Secondary school nr 3 named after J.H. Małeckich in Ełk
History of school reaches 1947, when pre-secondary school in Ełk was found.
Currently school offers seven different technical profiles:
Hotel industry
Architecture and landscape design
Clothing design (Tailoring)
Digital graphics processing
Advertisement organizer
School management: - principal, - two vice – principals.
Quick facts: school contains almost 30 classrooms which are located on two floors, 47 teachers work here, 309 students learn here, we have 18 classes, we have a lof of school events like assemblies, discos and knowledge contests.
School certificates, awards and achievements
Programme Socrates Comenius School has been participating in this programme for five years. 2005, 2006, 2007 – Our knowledge and attitude to Europe, 2008, 2009 – Youth advertises for Europe, 2010, 2011 – School in Europe of past, present and future.
EU-projects Our school took part in a programme financed by European Union, which included the following courses: Computer - preparing students for the European Certificate of Computer Skills ECDL, English and enterprise, aided by e- learning, enhancing the competence of students in these fields.
for more information check our website: