Engineering and Design with CABE 2017 Engineering and Design with The Three Little Pigs Presenters: Patricia Alvarez Christina Cortez Dr. Lilia Sarmiento
Agenda Welcome Overview 5 E Model Narrative Input Unit Overview Stations My Class Evaluation/Closure
Outcomes Participants will: Begin to explore Engineering Become familiar with the 5 E Learning Sequence Explore a series of centers
Why the 5 E’s ? Based on a constructivist view of learning Places students at the center of learning Encourages students to explore and construct their own understanding of scientific concepts
Engage Initiates the learning task by: Generating interest and curiosity Raising questions Assessing current knowledge At common core café recently started with a phenomenon, you are creating a teachable moment, establish focus, assess current understanding, even initiate a state of disequilibrium The goal of this phase is to capture the students’ attention. Get the students focused on a situation, event, demonstration, or problem that involves the content and abilities that are the goals of your instruction. From a teaching point of view, you might ask a question, pose a problem, or present a discrepant event as a strategy to engage learners. From a student’s perspective, engagement may be the origin of a teachable moment if the student looks puzzled or says, “How did that happen?” or “I have wondered about that.” You have engaged the student mentally and initiated a teachable moment. Students may express some ideas, but the ideas are not clear and may not be conceptually accurate.
Explore Provides students with a common base of experience to help them in concept and skill development by: Collaborating Testing and forming new predictions Cooperative learning - Explain the hands-on/minds-on activity students will be participating in; list “big idea” to focus student’s attention. Should send the students in a direction that will help them begin to resolve any disequilibrium of teachable moment from the engage. It allows teachers to gain an understanding of students’ knowledge of the experience and the related concepts.
Explain Focuses on students conceptual understanding and teacher clarifying, correcting misconceptions, and introducing new concepts by: Students explaining their learning Teacher being a resource for their learning before teacher offers any information. Facilitating a discussion explanation=the act or a process that makes an idea comprehensible Conncect students’ explanations to experiences they had in the engage and explore phases Vocabulary terms may be introduced and connections should be made to engage and explore Do students’ use of terms and application of concepts make sense? Students may not express complete and clear understanding of concepts and practices, but they should be able to express what they understand by using new, more accurate vocabulary and ideas.
Elaborate/Extend Challenges and extends students conceptual understanding and skills by: Application of learning Developing deeper understanding students extended their thinking In a Piagetian sense it is an elaboration of mental structure Students may still have misconceptions or may understand the concepts only in the context of the previous exploration
Evaluate Encourages students to assess their learning and teacher to evaluate student progress by: Check for understanding Introducing new ideas and concepts. Assessment is embedded into the 5 E model. In the engage phase, they listen for current conceptions (i.e., misconceptions). In the explore phase, they evaluate students’ process of equilibration (i.e., putting ideas together). In the explain phase, they assess how students’ explanations have improved. And in the elaborate phase, they determine how well students can transfer what they have learned to a new situation. How successful was the teaching part of creating a teachable moment?” and “How successful was student learning related to the teachable moment?” From a curriculum perspective, we later found that designing the evaluate activity first was an ideal application of back- ward design to the process of developing school programs.
Exploring the environment
Stations Building a tower with stones Screw and unscrew; sort bolts & screws Cup challenge Build a tall and stable structure: marshmallows and toothpicks Newspaper challenge Books and resources Build a house with shapes; design a city with rectangles Materials: construction paper shapes, shape templates made of cardboard, things made from nature and man-made, mini marshmallows and toothpicks, bolts, screws, screwdriver, containers Place literature books at each station
Unit Overview Common Core Standards, California Preschool Learning Foundations, Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Core texts: fiction/nonfiction Technology Science notebooks Vocabulary, functions and forms
Sequence 4 Problem: How do you best construct a house to keep out the big bad wolf?
Christina’s Class
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Thank you. alvarez_patricia@montebello. k12. ca Thank you!