The Human Brain
The Human Brain The human brain is a gelatinous three-pound lump of fat, connective tissue, spinal fluid and nerve cells. Its neurons generate some 25 watt of total power. It is in contact with every living cell in the body It feels no pain!
The Human Brain The human brain is a greedy, thirsty, selfish vampire that guzzles a pint-and-a-half of blood a minute. No matter what is happening to the body, the brain takes its nourishment first. For unknown reasons, the brain needs more blood when the body is asleep than when awake.
Three Functional Divisions: Cerebrum Cerebellum Brainstem Sensory muscle coordination vital regulations and motor and balance heart, lungs, etc.
Gyri, sulci and lobes of the cerebrum
Hemispheres The Brain has two sides: Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Connected by the Corpus Callosum Left brain controls the right side of the body Right brain controls the left side of the body
Left side: Deals in Time Thinking process in sequence Logic Words Past, Present, Future
Right side: Deals with space Thinking process in space Wholeness (ability to sense the whole thing) Patterns Visual concepts
How we learn about the brain Mammalian brains Humans with disorders Phantom Limb: Prosopagnosia: Split Brain:,10969,2465742--2465771,00.html
Everyone is born with 2 hemispheres 90% of the population is left brain 9.9% of the population is both sides to some degree Very few are completely right brain If mother relates space ( large room, out doors) at feeding time, right brain develops
Here’s an example of both sides working together: If you don’t perceive any illusions within the patten, you are complete right sided If you see an illusion within the patterns that move constantly as you move your eyes through the images, you are left sided If you see a staggering illusion, you are both right and left sided!