South Carolina By Caroline s.
south carolina became a state on may 23 1788 south carolina became a state on may 23 1788. Native American tribes are Catawba, Pee Dee, Chicora, Edisto, Santee, Chicora-Waccamaw,Cherokee. 5 interesting states dates you can check out are 2000,2002,2004,1963,1860. History
Geography South Carolina’s weather is usually 74/51°F in the spring, 89/69°F in the summer, 75/53° in the fall, 57/35°F in the winter. South Carolina’s Region is the southeast. major city’s in South Carolina are greenville,spartanberg,florence,myrtle beach , Rock hill, aiken,sumter,colombia.
The Governor of South Carolina is Mark Sanford The Governor of South Carolina is Mark Sanford. The Capital of South Carolina is Columbia. South Carolina has 124 us . Reprisenitives South Carolina has 46 us senators. South Carolina is a strong republican. Politics