SR 44 Corridor Management Plan Corridor Management Alternatives Public Meeting September 6, 2012
S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan ~7.4 miles Begin at Samsula Dr End at Myrtle Ave S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Project Overview Study Limits – Samsula Drive to Myrtle Avenue Evolution of the Need for Study Development Activity Proactive versus Reactive Avoid costly fragmented approach More effectively direct monies S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Expected Growth S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Study Scope Operational Needs (Short and Long Term) Multi-Modal Evaluation Safety Assessment Access Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Reporting: Operational Analysis Short Term (<5 years): Traffic control upgrades likely at Airport Road and at Sugar Mill Drive Traffic signal coordination along corridor FDOT repaving from CR 415 to Jungle Road Includes bike lane designation Extension of EB left-turn lane at I-95 Potential adjustment to I-95 SB Off Ramp S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
2016 Operational Analysis S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Reporting: Operational Analysis Long Term (2035): Long term intersection improvements identified at multiple intersections along the corridor Improvements to the I-95 interchange and immediate vicinity SR 44 cross-section maintained at 4-lanes (except within interchange area) S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
2035 Operational Analysis (with Improvements) S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Reporting: Ped / Bike Facilities S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Reporting: Crash History Autos Highest crash frequencies at Mission Dr / Wallace Rd, I-95 NB Ramps, and Eddie Rd Most occurring crash types are rear-end and angle Pedestrian / Bicycle All recorded on eastern end of study area Most ped / bike related crashes occurred between Eddie Rd and Mission Dr / Wallace Rd S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Access Management Alternatives Median Modifications West corridor: new median cuts to be allowed to provide access to planned development East corridor: modify or close existing median cuts to better meet FDOT spacing standards, improving safety and improve traffic flow on SR 44 S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Ex: New median cut to provide access to planned development Ex: Modify / close existing median cuts to better meet FDOT spacing standards S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Access Management Alternatives Cross-Access / Frontage Roads Develop a series of cross access connections on development fronting SR 44 to improve access between developments and traffic signals Paige Avenue Extension Program improvements to create a fully paved connection along Paige Avenue between Glencoe Road and Wallace Road / Mission Drive S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Example of Frontage Road and Paige Ave Extension alignment Frontage Rd Possible Paige Ave Extension S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Alternative Intersection Improvements Roundabouts identified as potential alternatives for two locations: SR 44 & Airport Road SR 44 & Canal Street Unique operational and safety benefits Aesthetic features enhance gateway to the City Feedback from public desired prior to further evaluation S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Roundabout Concept at SR 44 & Airport Road Improve safety Operational benefits compared to traffic signal Defines western limits of New Smyrna Beach Supports transition of vehicle speed as they enter New Smyrna Beach traveling eastbound S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Roundabout Concept at SR 44 & Canal Street Improves existing weave on WB SR 44 at Mission/Wallace Improves business access Further emphasizes the intersection as a gateway feature Creates space for ped/bike improvements due to reduced roadway footprint S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Project Information FDOT Project Manager - Judy Pizzo, GISP Kittelson & Associates Project Manager - Justin Bansen, P.E. Project Website: S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan
Questions? Please feel free to browse the stations, discuss and provide feedback S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan S.R. 44 Corridor Management Plan