KC 1/27 I hope you enjoyed your snow days! Take out your “Unit 1 Overview” worksheets and finish them Don’t forget to turn in your signed syllabus sheets
Westward Expansion
Focusing Points… Why did many people travel west after the Civil War? Who traveled west? How did they go west?
Reasons to move Land Money- gold and silver
Homestead Act Homestead Act- Gave 160 acres of land in the west to anyone who wanted it Encouraged much migration
Oklahoma Land Rush Many people flocked into the unassigned lands that would become Oklahoma People who entered the land before it opened were known as “Sooners”
Open Range System System where cattle was herded without fences Cattle were controlled by cowboys One of the animals that was popularly herded was the Texas Longhorn
Cowboy’s Lasso Tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flcFl8z_hF4
California Gold Rush As gold was discovered in California Americans migrated to California in hopes of striking it rich Gold rush was in 1849, many of those who rushed to California to find gold were known as 49ers
Mining Towns Many small towns pooped up in the west as a result of this mining boom “Rough and tumble” environment Vigilantes who took law into their hands to keep the peace
Wyatt Earp and the Ok Corral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRiWAxMMX5o
How did they get there? Transcontinental Railroad Telegraph
Transcontinental Railroad Railroad that connected the east and the west Led to the formation of time zones
Union meets Pacific
Union meets Pacific
Who went? Many whites settlers displaced Native Americans for land to mine and build railroads “Exodusters”- African-Americans who traveled west in search of better life
Put away your notes and take out a sheet of paper… its time for a SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What were two reasons for people to move west? What did the Homestead Act do? In what state did a gold rush occur in 1849? What connected the east and west making transportation easier? What were African-Americans who moved west for a better life known as?