Keck Observatory Status William Lupton EPICS ‘99 SLAC, May 26, 1999
Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Keck I Keck II 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Observatory status Keck I Keck II Operational May 1993 Originally not EPICS Retrofitted in Mar 1997 Optical instruments echelle spectrograph Infra-red instruments camera spectrometer Keck II Operational Oct 1996 Has always been EPICS Optical instruments imaging spectrograph Infra-red instruments echelle spectrograph New project Adaptive Optics (AO) Note: no instruments use EPICS 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Adaptive Optics (off) Plane (spherical) wavefront in space Beam-splitter passes IR light to camera and reflects visible light to wavefront sensor Atmosphere distorts wavefront Infra-red camera Deformable mirror (flat because someone forgot to turn it on) Wavefront sensor measures wavefront error and feeds back to deformable mirror Wavefront sensor ~600Hz 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Adaptive Optics (on) Plane (spherical) wavefront in space Beam-splitter passes IR light to camera and reflects visible light to wavefront sensor Atmosphere distorts wavefront Infra-red camera Deformable mirror corrects wavefront Wavefront sensor measures wavefront error and feeds back to deformable mirror Wavefront sensor ~600Hz 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Adaptive Optics Overview (Keck II) Unix VME/EPICS Wavefront controller uses CA server lib- rary; is being ported to VME/EPICS Instrument (IR camera) User Interface VME/EPICS Supervisory Control Telescope Control Optical Bench Wavefront Controller Laser System 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Adaptive Optics first light picture 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Laser traffic control From SPIE 3353 p290; Wizinowich, Simons, Takame, Veillet, Wainscoat 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Interferometer Overview Interferometry with two 10-m Keck telescopes (with natural guide star AO) four to six 1.8-m outrigger telescopes (no AO but with fast tip/tilt correction) NASA-funded joint project between JPL and Keck Five-year development; funding started FY98 Broad range of science capabilities 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Site diagram / light pipes 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Interferometer architecture (likely) Unix User interfaces (Java,C++,C) CA Interferometer sequencer (NASA remote agent; Lisp) IIOP Telescope sequencer (x6) CA VxWorks Interferometer control (JPL; RICST) Telescope control (x6, 2 with AO) CA Fast hard- ware Slow hard- ware 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Interferometer architecture notes Telescope sequencers run under Unix more details in sequencer talk tomorrow talk both CA and IIOP (via CDEV API?) VxWorks ORB (ACE/TAO) interoperability between Java, C++ and Lisp has been demonstrated (Lisp uses ILU) RICST will use CA to access slow hardware e.g. transport optics (PMAC, c.f. AO) 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Power PC timing tests (MVME2307) can process ~100,000 records per second 9 records at 10kHz uses 87% of CPU round-trip between 2 IOCs (100MHz Ethernet) takes ~700us at 500Hz uses 34% of sender’s CPU (6% when destination record is on same CPU) at 1kHz uses 65% of sender’s CPU (10% when destination record is on same CPU) maximum observed round-trip time < 2ms 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton)
Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Final slide 26-May-99 Keck Observatory Status (William Lupton) Photo copyright W. M. Keck Observatory