According to Freud… The first five years of life are crucial to the formation of adult personality. Id must be controlled in order to satisfy social demands The ego and superego develop in order to exercise this control and direct the need for gratification into socially acceptable channels. Sex is the root of personality
Psychosexual Stages From birth, human beings possess an instinctual libido (sexual energy) that develops in five stages. Each stage is characterized by the erogenous zone (area of the body) that is the source of that sexual energy
Fixation Frustration will occur if the needs of any stage are not met This can prevent individuals from moving on to the next stage Overindulgence occurs if the needs of a stage are met too frequently. The individual has been so well satisfied that they become reluctant to leave that stage
Stage 1 – The Oral Stage Birth – 18 months Sexual energy is focused around the mouth Babies get satisfaction by sucking/biting items & breastfeeding Results of Fixation: Smoking, biting nails, thumb sucking, eating
Stage 2 – Anal Stage 1-3 years old Ego has developed; aware their desires can bring them into conflicts with society Sexual energy become focused around the anus (bowel elimination) Potty Training: parents imposing strict restrictions on when and where child can defecate Early/Harsh potty training – Anal Retentive personality (obsessively organized & neat) Lenient potty training – Anal Expulsive personality (reckless, careless, defiant)
Stage 3 – Phallic Stage 3-6 years old Sexual energy becomes focused around genitalia Children become aware of anatomical differences between the sexes Boys experience Oedipus Complex: Desire to have sole “possession” over mother & get rid of father; becomes fearful father will find out and castrate him Failure to resolve: aggressive and overly ambitious Girls experience Electra Complex: Penis envy Failure to resolve: want to dominate men
Stage 4 – Latency 6 years – Puberty Latent = Hidden most sexual impulses are repressed sexual energy can be transferred towards school work, hobbies and friendships. Become more attached to same-sex parent Superego is developed
Stage 5 – Genital Stage Puberty – Adulthood Sexual interests mature Become focused on adult relationships with others Desires can be gratified symbolically & intellectually Friendships, love relationships, etc. Address issues/conflicts from past stages
Do you agree with Freud? Not everyone does! Write a 1 paragraph (minimum) reflection on whether or not you agree with Freud’s theory that we have discussed (3 levels of the mind, components of personality, psychosexual development). Be specific in regards to what you agree with or disagree with & WHY you agree or disagree.