Analysis of PPP Contracts from Russia Dydurev F. F. Shabalin A. I. Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
Legal acts Government order 30.03.2015 № 349-р «Set of measures aimed at improving VET system for 2015-2020» Government order 9.07.2014 № 1250-р «Set of measures to ensure increase in labor productivity, creation and modernization of high-performance jobs» Government order 3.03.2015 № 366-р «Set of measures aimed at popularization of workers and engineering professions» The order of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation 14.06.2013 г. № 464 «Approval of the order of organization and implementation of educational activities for educational programs of VET» The order of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation 18.04.2013 г. № 291 «Regulations on the practice of students learning the professional educational programs of VET» Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
What are the difficulties of studying dual training in Russia? There is no legal definition of dual training in legislation and ministerial documents Regional dual training models are in the experimental testing stage. Recognition effect: the individual elements of dual training are similar to the forms of training used in the Soviet era There is no certainty in the criteria for evaluating dual training: "the introduction of a dual model or its individual elements" Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
What are the difficulties of studying dual training in Russia? Субъект Российской Федерации Intentional learning, students % Colleges using dual training, % Belgorod region 1,2 85,7 Kaluga region 15,5 17,1 Krasnodar region 6,8 17,6 Lipetsk region 12,9 5,3 Nizhny Novgorod Region 9,1 63,0 Novosibirsk region 12,8 24,1 Perm Region 16,2 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 14,0 9,2 Republic of Tatarstan 21,2 16,9 Samara Region 2,0 50,0 Sverdlovsk region 7,3 7,1 Within 5 months, 575 contracts were selected related to various aspects of the relationship between regional governments, the VET system and employers Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
Data sources: Applications and reports on the Priority Project "Education" 2007-2011. Regional applications and reports of 75 regions submitted for getting support from VET regional development programs in 2011, 2013 years. Regional education development programs Region data (Ministers of Education) Website of educational organizations Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
General typology of contracts in the field of PPP Contract sides Type of contract Subject of contract Financial commitment Firm – state administration Public Improvement of VET system, provision of skills' balance at the region Commitments: Number of students who passed the practice Number of programs developed together with the firm Number of multifunctional centers in the management of which the firm takes part Share of the company's employees passing training annually on the basis of the college YES Forms: Direct co-financing Scholarship College - firm Civil Implementation of the integrated training model Participation in the development of curricula; examinations Practice Training of teachers on the basis of the enterprise Maintenance of equipment Provision of laboratories for conducting classes / Olympiads IN SOME CASES Transfer of property College-college Social partnership Training of qualified specialists The state order for training of workers and specialists («КЦП» in Russian) Provision of additional (paid) educational services NO Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
General typology of contracts in the field of PPP Contract sides Type of contract Subject of contract Financial commitment College – state administration Public Strategic partnership aimed at implementation of an innovative educational program Commitments: Intentional learning Study of skills needs in region Employment of graduates IN SOME CASES Forms: Scholarship Transfer of property College – firm – state administration (regional Ministry of Education) Interaction of the contracts' sides in the training of workers and specialists for enterprises Development of curricula Practice The state order for training of workers and specialists («КЦП» in Russian) YES Direct financing Equipment Student - firm Labour Схема целевого обучения Firm: scholarship Student: employment contract after graduation Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
Types of contracts Agreement on strategic partnership between the Government of the region and the college Agreement on interaction between the Government of the region and the company Charitable assistance between a non-profit organization and a college Agreement on cooperation between the college and the regional court 3-sided cooperation agreement between firms, the Department of Education and the College Contract for professional development Agreement between college and college Student contract Agreement on social partnership Cooperative activity Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
Mechanisms of interaction Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017
Research questions? Can the contracts provide additional credibility of the data on PPP in Russia? The idea is to use them as a verification tool What contracts are built within the Soviet tradition and reproduce the paternalistic system of relations between the participants of the PPP? What agreements testify to the emergence of new economic relations between colleges and enterprises? What is a new subjects of public partnership in the field of PPP formed over the past 15 years? Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2017