Innovations: Towards Our Goals for Namibia Passil Dias 7 October 2015
What we do? Health Education Social Protection
Making Small Things Big
UNICEF Innovation Unit Innovation is one of the seven identified strategies in the UNICEF 2014-2017 Global Strategic Plan
UNICEF’s Innovation World Innovation in an organization is something you can measure, and something you can count ESAR has implemented over 70 projects since the emergence of innovations in 2007. Globally, ESAR has the most innovation experience, resulting in important LESSONS LEARNED and BEST PRACTICES for project DESIGN, DEPLOYMENT, and SCALING that the region can apply retroactively to existing projects and to future initiatives. The collective experience in ESAR represents a brain trust for all country offices, within and outside ESAR, allowing the region to be a global innovations leader. UNICEF Innovation is working to increase UNICEF, partners, and governments access to real time information. Real time information provides greater oversight over programmes, allows for evidence-based decision-making, and timely programme adjustment. Young people are the fastest growing population in East Africa. UNICEF is working to empower youth and connect them to the traditional systems in order to hear their voices on issues that matter to them most. Access to information is fundamental to innovation for equity. The biggest change that we need to foster, and that is happening already in some places, is the push to get connectivity (access to information, opportunity, and choice) to the world's most marginalized populations. UNICEF’s Innovation World
Innovations for Development HWT- Household Water Tretment Kits for Emergencies @ less than U$20. T4D or T4D HWT Kit T4D
UNICEF Innovation Principles Design with the user Understand existing ecosystems Design for scale Build for sustainability Be data-driven Open standards, open data, open source Reuse and improve Do no harm Be collaborative
??? Innovation Objectives ??? IMPACT ??? ??? User friendly A solution to a problem ??? User friendly IMPACT ??? Proof of concept ??? chic
RapidPro Necessity is the mother of all Inventions Innovations mTrac mHealth RapidPro U-Report mTrac mHealth uReport EduTrac In these ever changing world bringing us new challenges faster than we can adapt – urbanization, climate change, high levels of inequalities and new and mutating epidemics. Youth Engagement. Using the FLOW BUILD processes. You don’t need a programmer.
HTC in school and health centres HIV Testing and Counselling Innovation in Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Service HTC summary report (24 June - 8 September 2014) Female Male Total Total number of Clients registered and received results 784 304 1088 Total number of first time testers 641 261 902 Total number of repeat testers 144 42 186 Region Use of YEAH! app HTC in school and health centres Female Male Omusati 764 408 374 130 Oshana 641 283 410 174 Total numbers combined 1,405 691 784 304
Listen Loud Campaign
At UNICEF we believe… Academia Civil Public Private GRN NGOs We believe in partnerships to achieve more for children Obtenez Rabaté Kids Jigsaw Puzzles
Innovation Labs UNICEF Innovation Labs are open, collaborative incubation accelerators that bring business, universities, governments and civil society together to create sustainable solutions to the most pressing challenges facing children and youth
Innovation Labs 14 Labs so far operating in various parts of the world. From Armenia to Zambia. We need to think to open one in Namibia. HEW, Youth Engagement, Inclusivity. Health Issues. Gender Base Violence. End Open Defecation. To sensibilize our drivers on the roads.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett Our country is ripe for Innovations. There’s an enabling environment. Government is very keen. Stakeholders are willing to participate. The infrastructure in place. Our children and women, the society at large is waiting for us to do more for the betterment of our people.
Thank You