The Adverb الحال
نجد في هذا المثال أن الحال well يصف الفعل writes ويأتي بعده 1. the adverb is a word joined to a verb, an adjective, or another adverb to express some quality or circumstance respecting it. الظرف: كلمة تضاف لفعل أو صفة أو حال أخرى للتعبير عن خاصية أو حالة معينة تختص به. Ali writes well علي يكتب جيدًا نجد في هذا المثال أن الحال well يصف الفعل writes ويأتي بعده The adverb
Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things. However, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. If you said "I have a nice dog," dog is the noun which is being modified by the adjective nice. On the other hand, if you said that "My dog quickly ate his dinner," the adverb "quickly" would modify the verb "ate." In addition to verbs, adverbs also modify adjectives and other adverbs. So, when you say "I have the most beautiful dog," the dog is the noun, beautiful is the adjective describing the noun, and most is the adverb describing beautiful.
Samia is exceedingly beautiful سامية غاية في الجمال Sami speaks very correctly. يتحدث سامي بدقة كبيرة نجد في هذا المثال أن الحال correctly تصف الفعل speaks وتأتي بعده وأن الحال very تصف الحال correctly وتأتي قبله. ولهذا يجب على المترجم أن يراعي هذا الترتيب عند الترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية.
Adverbs generally express some circumstance of time, place, manner or quality. Adverbs express in a single word what would otherwise require two or more words. ويعبر الظرف في كلمة واحدة ماكان يمكن التعبير عنه بكلمتين أو أكثر. Where → in what place )I do not know where that came from.) whence→ from what place (No one could tell me whence the gold had come.) Too → in an excessive degree Elegantly → in an elegant matter
Adverbs are divided into several classes: Adverbs of number: Examples: once, twice, thrice مرة واحدة، مرتين، ثلاث مرات First, secondly, thirdly أولًا، ثانيًا، ثالثًا
Adverbs of time: Examples: Ago→ منذ وقت مضى، قديمًا Already→ مسبقًا، منذ فترة وجيزة daily→ يوميًا ever→ إلى الأبد Hourly→ في كل ساعة Now→ الآن Then→ ثم
Adverbs of place: Here→ هنا There→ هناك Where→حيث، في مكان Hence→من هذا المكان Thence→ من ذلك المكان Upward→ إلى أعلى Downward→إلى أسفل Elsewhere →مكان آخر
Adverbs of manner or quality: Such as; well, ill, how, softly, sweetly, etc. Example: My words were ill-chosen. Adverbs of quality are generally formed from adjectives by adding –ly e.g. quick→ quickly Examples: He is a quick runner. هو عداء سريع He runs quickly. إنه يجري بسرعة
Adverbs of quantity: Very→ جدًا Exceedingly→في منتهى Too→بدرجة عظيمة Enough→بدرجة كافية Examples: It is too difficult to solve. إنها صعبة جدًا لدرجة لايمكن حلها She is exceedingly beautiful. إنها غاية في الجمال
He will undoubtedly come. Adverbs of affirmation, negation, and doubts: Yea, yes→نعم، موافق Verily, truly→بلاريب، حقيقة Surely, undoubtedly, certainly→ بالتأكيد، بلاشك في ذلك Nay, no, not→كلا، لا، ليس Perhaps, possible→ربما، من المحتمل، من المتوقع Examples: Perhaps, he’ll do it. ربما سيقوم بأدائها Verily, he is a man of war. حقيقة إنه رجل محارب He will undoubtedly come. سوف يحضر بلا ريب
Some adverbs are compared like adjectives: Soon, sooner, soonest→ حالًا Sweetly, more sweetly, most sweetly→ برقة She spoke more quickly than he did. The following adverbs are compared irregularly: adverb comparative superlative سيء ill or badly worse worst كثير Much more most حسنًا/جيدًاWell better best
She appears more sweetly than ever before. Examples: She appears more sweetly than ever before. تبدو أكثر عذوبة من أي وقت مضى. She is much better than a week ago. هي الآن أفضل بكثير عما كانت عليه منذ أسبوع مضى You're driving worse today than yesterday ! قيادتك اليوم أسوأ من قيادتك بالأمس
Some adverbs are formed by prefixing a to a noun or an adjective. Afar بعيدًا Ashore باتجاه الشاطئ Two or more words together are sometimes used as adverbs . Such a union of words is called an adverbial phrase: Now and then من حين لآخر At best في أحسن ظروفه، في أحسن الأحوال (If he drops the course now, at best he’ll get incomplete, and he could fail.)
Revision Translate the following: He swims well. He ran quickly. She spoke softly. The child ran happily towards his mother. I have nowhere to go. She ran towards me. He worked abroad. Revision
This magazine is published monthly. I am still hungry. The water was extremely cold. You are walking too slowly. This coffee is too hot. We seldom cross the river after sunset.