Better solar for big buildings Has written by: Faisal Student number: 445592
Outline: - Introduction - Developing the cylindrical cells - Features of cylindrical cells - Cost of cylindrical cells - Conclusion
Solar power The term solar power is generally used to refer to methods of collecting light and turning it directly into useful form of energy. It is known that by the solar power we can convert solar energy into other energy but some time we need better solar specially for big buildings.
Developing the cylindrical cells Solyndra, Fremont, California It is a new cylinder containing rows of solar cells which unlike the conventional panels. In addition, it is made from simeconductor material for instance: copper, indium, gallium, and sellenium on a glass tube.
It is absorb more light when the sun hit them directly. - More power Advantages: - Absorb more light It is absorb more light when the sun hit them directly. - More power Cheaper Therefore, generate more power and reduce the cost.
wind resistance
Cost of cylindrical cells According to Solyndra, within a few years the company plans to produce solar system that generate cost in US about (10 cent/ kilo watt- hour)
Conclusion It is expected during the next few years to be cylindrical cells are prevalent in markets
References Bullis, K (2007). Better Solar for Big Buildings. Received from: spx?ch=specialsections&sc=solar&id=21473 Cylindrical solar cells, (2009) Received from: Solar power,(2009). Received from: 2/02/solar-power-–-sustainable-green-energy- to-protect-our-economy-and-environment/ al-pv-solar-collectors-solyndra/
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