Welcome to Tallinn Law School Faculty of Social Sciences of Tallinn University of Technology!
Organization of Studies – 1 EAP (1 ECTS) To introduce the structure of the University and organization of studies Students’ rights and responsibilities Will be as an e-course (simple test in the end)
Faculty of Social Sciences Dean – prof Sulev Mäeltsemees Dept of Public Administration Dept of Industrial Psychology Tallinn Law School Language Centre Sport Centre Dean’s Office
DEAN’S OFFICE Fulfilment of curriculum Academic leave Study contracts, invoices Study Information System ÕIS Other concerns Advising on studies: both students and faculty Confirmation letters on student status Study results Study load Scholarships
Student advisors Tutors and International Club Office of Student Services International Study Centre and Department of International Relations Student Government Career service (job offers and other employment related information)
Credit points Study volume (capasity) is based on European Credit points (ECP – in Estonian EAP) 1 EAP = 26 hours spent for study by a student (lectures and individual work) 1 EAP = 1 ECTS credit point
Academic calendar
Academic year 2 terms in 1 academic year (autumn and spring) 1 term consists 16 weeks of classroom and practical study and 3 weeks for exams http://www.ttu.ee/studying/new-and-current-student/
Curriculum Consits of modules Code of a curriculum HAJB08/14 Bachelor of Law HAJM08/15 Master of Law HVWM11/12 Master of Work and Org. Psychology Consits of modules General Studies Basics Studies Core Studies Special Studies Free choice courses For graduation it is important that all modules are fulfilled
Modules consist of ... Compulsory courses Optional/elective courses (from the list) Free choice module
Study plan Every student must submit a study plan for each term of attendance Except when being on academic leave If the study plan is not submitted, student should be dismissed The study plan is submitted via study information system (ois.ttu.ee)
Study information system - ÕIS Students and faculty members are required to check ÕIS regularly Please update your contact details in ÕIS Video about ÕIS https://ois.ttu.ee/video/english/
NB! Do not leave submitting the study plan for the final hours If there are problems or questions – ask from the Dean’s Office In case of technical issues or losing your password – please turn to IT services (tel 620 3459, main building SOC-132)
Submitting the study plan or registering for subjects Follow the standard study plan and the schedules of the classes ÕIS will put the subjects to the correct modules Do not forget to confirm and submit Only confirmed and submitted study plans will reach the Dean’s Office vanas sel semestril töötavas keskkonnas tuleb ise täita ka õppeaine moodule koht – seda vastavalt Haldusjuhtimise õppekavale.
Submitting the study plan or registering for subjects NB! In general, you must choose the instructor who is indicated in the schedule If you have any questions, please turn to the Dean’s Office or the department
Study load According to study load, both regular and distance learning student can be: Full-time student (at least 75% of nominal student load, therefore 45 ECTS per academic year) Part-time student (50% / 30 ECTS) First semester (at least 15 ECTS)
Academic leave
Upon personal request up to 2 semesters for each level of studies (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.) from second semester apply before the deadline do not have to take two semesters consequtively
Academic leave – extraordinary Health reasons according to a doctor’s note for up to 4 semesters all together Can take until the end of the period of auditory work (befor examination period) Taking care of a child according to a birth certificate until the child is 3 years old can be taken anytime
Exams At least 2 exam times within the exam session there must be at least 3 days between the exams Exam times are published at lease 4 weeks before One main + one re-take (same semester) Consultation before the first exam the time and place published with exam times
Archil Chochia Phone 620 2425 www.ttu.ee/tallinn-law-school archil.chochia@ttu.ee SOC-340 (Akadeemia tee 3)
Thank you!