Network Expansion and Publication Rate cumulative number of HDSS Publications
INDEPTH HDSS Distribution of Publications 2007-2009 Publications per site-year 1. Kilifi 2. Agincourt 3. Matlab
Centers of gravity: What it means
INDEPTH HDSS Publication Distribution 1962-2009 Burden of Disease Broad Causes 2007 - 09
INDEPTH HDSS Publication Distribution 1962-2009 Burden of Disease Broad Causes Group 1 Causes Expanded 1962 - 2006 2007 - 09 63% 37% 14% 21% 10% 16% 3% 13% 77%
INDEPTH DSS Publication Distribution 1962-2009 Burden of Disease Broad Causes Group 2 Causes Expanded 1962 - 2006 2007 - 09 1% 3% 2% 6% 15%
DSS Publications from African Sites 2007-2009 Broad Causes WHO AFRO Region 2004 Burden of Disease Broad Causes 2002 18% 9% 73%
HDSS Publications from Asian Sites 2007-2009 Broad Causes WHO SEARO Region 2004 Burden of Disease Broad Causes 2002 44% 13% 43% n=21
DSS Publications 2007-2009 Distribution by Top 10 Risk Factors WHO Disease Burden 2001 Distribution by Top 10 Risk Factors n=253
INDEPTH HDSS Publication Distribution 2007-2009 Methods used 1962-09 [%] Health int. 6 Health ass./ diagn. 26 Gen DSS meth. 29 Intervention eval. 9 Verbal aut. 8 Vital events reg 11 Prod and tech. 5 Soc.econ. ass. GIS 2 Cost effectiv. 3
INDEPTH HDSS Publications 1990-2009 Millennium Development Goals 1962-06
INDEPTH HDSS Publications 2007-2009 Millennium Development Goals