Globalization and health Course III spring 18
Aim of the group work To study the relations between specific global health challenges and particular phenomena
Global health challenges: Disaster risk reduction Maternal neonatal child health Water sanitation health Migration Climate change Communicable diseases Non-communicable diseases Phenomena: Stigma Empowerment Vicious circle of poverty Double burden of disease
An empirical study of globalization and health … by observing public health activities for a short stay ”studiebesök” or for a longer stay (max. 2 weeks) PHENOMENA (stigma, empowerment, vicious circle of poverty and double-burden of disease)
A theoretical study of globalization and health … by collecting web-based information PHENOMENA (stigma, empowerment, vicious circle of poverty and double-burden of disease)
Arenas for the observation In Sweden and/or abroad Different arenas in the public sector and/or organizations that engage in public health activities such as promoting health, preventing diseases and/or work with vulnerable groups Exclusion criterias: ”vårdcentraler, sjukhus, äldre- och omsorgboenden”, NO HANDS-ON! (it is NOT a clinical placement) Obs! you are responsible to find your own arena if you choose to visit one. RKH is not responsible for your choice or its quality. Obs! remember that you are only studying / observing the activities
The study´s phases 1. Theoretical framework through lectures (first week of the module) 2. Individual study and written assignment, as part of the group work (second and third week) (step 1) 3. Group work based on individual assignments (fourth week) (step 2)
Individual assignment (step 1) to be delivered to the group Short background and description of your own choice of study – 1 page: Empirical study – description of the arena (purpose, activities, etc.) Web-based – description of method used to find information (systematic search, etc) b) Reflection on the four following phenomena based on the global challenge selected by your group: Stigma – 1 page Empowerment – 1 page Vicious circle of poverty – 1 page Burden of disease – 1 page *Total 5 pages
Group work (step 2) To be delivered to the examinator Short background and description of selected studies delivered in step 1 (a) (empirical or web-based) from each group members (5 pages:1 x 5). Synthesis of the four phenomena based on the individual assignments delivered in step 1 (4 pages:1 x 4) Discussion and reflection about the outcome of the group assignment (1 page:1 x 1) *Total 10 pages (based on 5 students per group)
To remember! Think about your interest in the global health challenge of your choice (Do I really belong to this group?) Think about what arena I wish to observe Empirical study and/or web-based information? Remember to inform the organization about your presence and your involvement. You can find an information letter available at sjukskoterskeprogrammet/#Termin
To remember if you travel abroad! For you who are planning to travel abroad in either January/February or April/May please contact the international office and inform which period you will travel. Latest 15th October! Remember that this is not an internship or a clinical placement and the organisations can not receive any payment for hosting you. If it is abroad, is this a country and region I can go to? (not USA, Canada due to insurance issues) or any place where the Ministry of foreign Affair warn travelers to go to, see When your study visit abroad is confirmed by the host organisation you should inform the international office at SRCUC at you must do this at least two weeks before your planned travel. For more information go to 3 If you can prove an acceptance letter from the host organisation you are entitled to a financial support of 2000sek from SRCUC (this is given for studies abroad only once during your study period at the nursing program).
Q & A Are we allowed to be 2 persons at the same organisation? Yes, as long as your perform your individual assignment When latest can I join a group in PingPong? 15th December both group A and B When do I need to decide for a global health challenge of interest to me? As soon as possible How many students per group? Five
IMPORTANT DATES Group A Module: weeks 16-20 Study (empirical or web-based): weeks 17-18 Due date for individual assignment – to be delivered to the group (step 1): Monday 7th May latest 9 am. Due date for group assignment – to be delivered to the examinator (step 2): Friday 11th May latest 4 pm. Group B Module: w. 3-7 Study (empirical or web-based): weeks 4-5 Due date for individual assignment – to be delivered to the group (step 1): Monday 5th February latest 9 am. Due date for group assignment- to be delivered to the examinator (step 2): Friday 9th February latest 4 pm. You receive credits (3hp) when both step 1 and step 2 are completed with satisfaction Additional public health moments integrated in other modules Integration of nursing moments within the module