Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz The PERFECT LINK One-Stop-Shop information service and its benefits for Hungarian textile, clothing and leather companies Dr. Rainer Gebhardt Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Community’s BSP2 programme. The views expressed herein are those of STFI and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission
What is our One Stop Shop (OSS)? an online information service an communication platform with your association a tool to cooperate, communicate and disseminate information related to acquis relevant subjects of the textile, clothing and leather industries
http://www.perfectlink.org The web address is the up-to-date information site of the project.
Complete the form Send the form Confirm the link Wait for feedback from the national administrator
www.perfectlink.org The web address is the up-to-date information site of the project. Please contact your association for more information Thank you for your attention!