Business information Systems – lecture 6 Project analysis Enn Õunapuu
Next decade prediction 1 A $1,000 Human Brain In 2025, $1,000 should buy you a computer able to calculate at 10^16 cycles per second (10,000 trillion cycles per second), the equivalent processing speed of the human brain. Ray Kurzweil
Social Media - as new and old social networks become part of our ecosystem, your content marketingmust ‘evolve to involve’ social relations into the customer journey map. Real-time connections with clients are more and more vital to stay top of mind.
Chinese Revolution - this is something we have already pointed out before. China can't be considered just a source of cheap labor anymore; it is rapidly becoming the land of innovation, driving the rise of new mobile giants and becoming the perfect field for start-ups.
The Internet of Things - we know that the intercommunication of smart objects will open new - and somewhat unexpected - opportunities. The next step, Solis says, is the passage from the Internet of Thingsto the Internet of Everything. By 2020, 40 billion devices will connect people, machines and objects.
Wearables - new fancy wearable devices come out every week; the market is in full swing but brands still struggle to find a place for wearables in their digital marketing strategy. The arrival of the Apple Watch (withHealthKit and Apple Pay) will probably make things clear.
Virtual Reality - Oculus Rift, Google’s Magic Leap, and Microsoft’s HoloLens are just few of many projects focusing on virtual and augmented reality. The future of business - retailers above all - is immersive. 3D personal environments will support purchase, engage customers and enhance the experience.
Content Platforms - social media sharing teaches us that content curation is the key to success in an over-crowded Internet. The new trend is ‘visual’ - Youtube, Vine, Facebook; to capture attention, content will require an entirely new approach.
Mass Personalization - the customer journey has a bigger value and impact than price on the purchase decision. The future of retail is the mass-customization of the shopping experience, leading to the final frontier of Me-Commerce in an Omni-Channel approach.
Privacy Issue - the birth of privacy-friendly social networks is just one more sign of the concern surrounding privacy and security in an era defined by proximity marketing and Big Data. As Brian Solis says “older generations think about privacy differently. Younger generations use privacy as a currency”.
Beacons - these small devices represent the front line of a revolution that will transform the idea of store. Retail industry is slowly understanding the importance of connecting online and in-store experiences. The aim is to revamp new means of customer engagement, offering personalized experience and context-aware content. A beacon is an intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location.
Why I am not staisfied about BPMN? To naive, no innovation, no improvement
Data models? M:N relationship reduce!
Balanced scorecard Is not convincing