How Software-Defined Will Your Data Centre of the Future Be?
About Me Principal Analyst, Neuralytix Previously, Neuralytix: A leading global industry analyst & advisory firm Previously, Worldwide Program VP at IDC Storage Big Data
Evolution of the software-defined datacentre 3rd Gen HyperConverged 2nd Gen Converged 1st Gen Traditional Infrastructure
(Provides pooling, abstraction, management, automation) The birth of the SDDC SDDC Software (Provides pooling, abstraction, management, automation)
This is happening quickly!
Composable Infrastructure Almost completely software defined 4th Gen Composable Infrastructure 3rd Gen HyperConverged
Pool, Orchestrate, Provision, Deploy, Manage, Automate Software to control on-premise ↔ cloud SDDC Software Pool, Orchestrate, Provision, Deploy, Manage, Automate
Summary Should expect entire datacentre to be completely software- driven/software-defined Challenges will come because there are so many layers of abstraction Cloud and non-cloud will only differ based on type of data and required processing Otherwise, data and apps will be mobile