5 . C H A P T E R F I V E Recruitment
Recruitment Defined The process of finding and attracting capable applicants to apply for employment Responsibility for recruitment usually resides with the human resource department functional specialists are often called recruiters
The Recruitment Process Identify job openings Obtain applications Constraints Identify job requirements Constraints Determine recruitment methods
Strategic Importance of Recruitment Gaining competitive advantage from human capital Reaping the benefits of diversity management Focusing on employee development Investing resources into recruitment
Internal Recruiting Advantages Weaknesses Employee is familiar with the organization Lower recruitment costs Employee is “known”, thereby increasing ability to predict success Improves employee morale & motivation Internal competition can reduce cooperation No “new blood” is brought in which can prevent creative solutions Poor morale (leading to possible turnover) for those not promoted
External Recruiting Advantages Weaknesses Newcomers may not fit in Able to acquire competencies which may not be available within New ideas and novel ways of solving problems may emerge Newcomers may not fit in Newcomers take longer to learn about the organization Usually more expensive Lowered morale and motivation of current employees
Constraints: Organizational Policies Promote-from-Within Policies gives present employees the first opportunities Compensation Policies adhere to established pay ranges Employment Status Policies limiting the hiring of part-time and temporaries International Hiring Policies requiring foreign job openings to be staffed with local citizens
Constraints on Recruitment Organizational policies Inducements Human resource plans Constraints on Recruitment Costs Diversity management Recruiter habits Job requirements Environmental conditions
Recruitment Methods Recruitment Methods Walk-ins & Write-ins Professional associations Employee referrals Educational institutions Advertising Professional search firms HRDC Employment agencies
Recruitment Methods (cont’d) Labour organizations Recruitment Methods Non-traditional Armed forces Internet Gov’t youth programs Open house & Job fairs Temporary- help agencies Departing employees
Non-Traditional Recruitment Methods Applicant Tracking Systems Contingent/Contract/Leased Workers Alumni Associations Direct Mail Solicitations Recruitment Abroad
Memberships, Awards & Hobbies Job Application Forms Name & Address Military Background Employment Status Memberships, Awards & Hobbies Education & Skills References Work History Signature Line
Evaluating Recruitment The effectiveness of the recruiting function should be evaluated on an ongoing basis Popular measures include: Cost per Hire Quality of Hires and Cost Offers: Applicants Ratio Time Lapsed per Hire
5 . C H A P T E R F I V E Recruitment