2016 Competitive Baseball League Coaches Meeting
Housekeeping Chores Team Roster Forms Code of Conduct Forms Filled out on 63 Diamonds website Code of Conduct Forms Filled out on 63 Diamonds website by all coaches and parents for your team Tournaments at 63 Diamonds Form is online at 63diamonds.com We try to updated the “Look Who’s Coming” once a week
Park Rules Review 63 Diamonds Complex Things that are NOT allowed: Food Pets, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, etc. Things that are allowed: Teams can bring a water jug with water (no mixes) Players can bring a water just with water (no mixes) IF a player has a birthday, let us know and we can make arrangements if you want to bring a cake / cupcakes
Park Rules Review 63 Diamonds Complex Pick up the dugouts after each game / practice There are no work days like BC Baseball, we are planning on all of you helping all of us For league games, a flip of the coin will determine who is the home team League games can end in a tie
League Schedule This is posted online at 63diamonds.com There have been changes to the 14U schedule again, please double check it
Rain-out Line It is the same one we used last year The number is on the main page of the website
Zero Tolerance Rules 1. Arguing Balls & Strikes The Umpire can restrict you to the dugout first (warning) He does not have to, he can just eject you If you continue to argue balls and strikes after your restriction, you will be ejected What does “restrict to the dugout” really mean? You have to stay in the dugout EXCEPT for Emergency situation (player / coach gets injured) You can talk to your players and your coaches, not umpires You will have to appoint an assistant coach to be acting head coach for the remainder of the game in order to challenge any rule interpretations on the field (you have forfeited that right with your restriction )
Zero Tolerance Rules What does “restrict to the dugout” really mean? You have to stay in the dugout EXCEPT for Emergency situation (player / coach gets injured) You can talk to your players and your coaches, not umpires You will have to appoint an assistant coach to be acting head coach for the remainder of the game in order to challenge any rule interpretations on the field (you have forfeited that right with your restriction )
Zero Tolerance Rules 2. Use of inappropriate language Players or coaches caught using inappropriate language can be restricted to the dugout or ejected based on umpire discretion Fans using inappropriate language can be warned or ejected at the discretion of the site administrator
Zero Tolerance Rules 3. Physical contact or verbal attacks Any coach, player or fan that participates in or instigates physical contact or a verbal attack of any member of the 63 Diamonds staff, any teams; coaches, players and / or fans will be immediately ejected from the complex and required to meet with the league director before returning (if at all)
Zero Tolerance Rules 4. Challenging of a call / rule interpretation by anyone other than the Head Coach The Head Coach is the only person on a team that can challenge a call / rule interpretation If an assistant coach does, he/she can be subject to dugout restriction or ejection based upon umpire discretion
Coaching Rules Head Coaches: Is the only person on a team who can challenge a call / rule interpretation on the field Will be responsible for behavior of his/her staff Will be responsible for behavior of his/her fans Will be responsible for behavior of his/her players
Coaching Rules Assistant Coaches: CAN talk to the umpires You can ask them to get help on a call Do not think you cannot say anything, but any disagreement over calls has to come from the Head Coach, NOT you CANNOT challenge rule interpretations This is the Head Coaches job
Ejection Explanations IF the Head Coach is ejected: He/she will be required to leave the complex Aka go to the parking lot Will not be allowed back into the complex until after the next scheduled league game his/her team has completed IF they are ejected for a second time in the same season, they will have to meet with the League Director before returning to the complex (if at all)
Ejection Explanations IF an Assistant Coach is ejected: He/she will be required to leave the complex Aka go to the parking lot Will not be allowed back into the complex until after the next scheduled league game his/her team has completed IF they are ejected for a second time in the same season, they will have to meet with the League Director before returning to the complex (if at all)
Ejection Explanations IF a PLAYER is ejected They will be escorted by a parent/guardian from the complex (parking lot) IF no parent / guardian is present, a coach will escort them and stay with them until a parent/guardian takes custody, then the coach can return Will not be allowed back into the complex until after the next scheduled league game his/her team has completed IF they are ejected for a second time in the same season, they will have to meet with the League Director before returning to the complex (if at all)
Ejection Explanations If a FAN is ejected If an umpire determines a fan needs to be ejected, they will call time, come find the site administrator and the site administrator will eject the fan The Head Coach of the team the fan is from, will be ejected as well The fan and the Head Coach will not be allowed back into the complex until after the next scheduled league game his/her team has completed IF a fan is ejected for a second time in the same season, they will have to meet with the League Director before returning to the complex (if at all) Each ejection for a fan counts as an ejection for the Head Coach. Therefore, if a fan from your team is ejected twice, the Head Coach will also have to meet with the League Director before returning to the complex (if at all)
Failure to leave after ejection IF anyone who is ejected does not willingly leave the complex in a timely manner, the current game that team is playing in and the next game for that team, will be forfeited. IF this occurs between game, the preceding game and the next game are forfeited
Some helpful tips Be patient with the umpires It is EXTREMELY hard to not only get umpires, but to keep them They have to develop just as we do as coaches Many of us have been places where we have loved the umpires, they did not get to be that way overnight
Some helpful tips 2. Be patient with us We are going to make some mistakes, but we will learn not to repeat them We have put a lot of time and thought into this league and how to effectively run it If you have a concern, talk to us about it
Some helpful tips 3. Be patient with each other All of you want to win, but the overriding theme is to develop players for higher levels of baseball We understand not all of you like each other, but we are all here for the same reason Help us out