INFORMATION RESOURCES IN POLITICS AND SOCIOLOGY Els estudis Social Sciences Library October 2013
1. Contents Catalogue Other catalogues Trobador+ Databases E-journals and E-books E-contents of journals E-theses E-repositories Interesting tools and resources Bibliographies Access from off campus
1. Catalogue Searching the catalogue we know: How many documents there are In which library and which area they are If they are available, loaned, reserved or not available for loan We find all the documents: In any format: books, journals, maps, audiovisuals, theses, research works… In any support: paper, digital, microform, etc.
Access: Library Service Web On the right of the page 2) Directly from catalogue’s site
Results: may be saved, printed and shared on social media
List of results Searching options Sort records Save records Reserve Formats
Items Order code on the shelf Loan availability Location Loan type
Journals Access to the digital format Location Paper collection
Personalize 1) My account: -Reservations (of documents which are loaned and available) -Renewals -Loan history -My lists -Preferred searches -E-mail alerts (through the preferred searches) 2) Buttons 2.0 3) Search the catalogue from the mobile phone
Help Searching tips Instructions for any type of search: title, author… Help to personalize: renewals, preferred searches, my lists… Video tutorials
2. Other catalogues University Union Catalogue of Catalonia (CCUC) the integrated catalogues of the Catalan universities, the Biblioteca de Catalunya and other institutions Rebiun: Spanish academic libraries Madroño: academic libraries of Madrid and the UNED CSIC: libraries of the CSIC More catalogues:
CCUC: search screen
CCUC: results screen Consortial borrowing
The gateway to access the UAB electronic library 3. Trobador+ The gateway to access the UAB electronic library
Simple search You are searching the most e-resources subscribed by the UAB You are searching the UAB catalogue, the CCUC and Google
Advanced search The advanced search allows you to refine the search criteria
Results Options to refine the search Full-text access Full-text access You can export your result and save it in your e-Shelf if you sign in
Searching by type of e-resource You can search e-journals by different criteria You can search e-books by different criteria You can search databases by different criteria and select them if they are metasearchable
E-shelf: personal area Your name will appear here You can create, rename and delete folders You can organize your saved records into folders and delete, send by e-mail and export them
Other tools and pages Pages to help you in your research and study: ARE, citations, research assessment and acreditation support, tutorials,etc. Other tools you may need in your research
4. Databases Sociological Abstracts: references of articles with abstract of more than 2,000 journals and other publications (books, theses). Also provides academic profiles specialized in social sciences. ProQuest Sociology: (1985--): specialized in socials, contains full-text journal articles of worldwide coverage. Banco de datos ASEP/JDS: public surveys and opinion polls of Spain and worldwide. Base de datos de conflictos y construcción de paz: in addition to the above database, this one provides the background information, the evolution and the actors involved in international armed conflicts. Emphasizes the analysis from a gender perspective. CSIC-ISOC (1976--): references of journal articles, monographs, presentations, theses, etc., about Spanish social sciences and humanities. Francis (1984--): references and abstracts of journal articles about social sciences and humanities.
CIAO - Columbia international affairs online: full-text of articles, books, case studies, presentations, etc., about politics and international affairs and relations. IPSA - International political science abstracts: references of journal articles about politics. Factiva: current database with many full-text information resources (newspapers, trade journals, reports) and photographs. ISI web of knowledge: database of the Institute for Scientific Information: Journal citation reports, Social sciences citation index, Current contents… OECD iLibrary: full-text monographs and journals until the end of 2011.
Multidisciplinary Oxford reference online: e-dictionaries about different subjects Databases of books and journals ISBN and ISSN
5. E-journals and E-books ScienceDirect, Emerald, Kluwer Academic, Wiley, Springer, Ebsco, JSTOR… E-books: Oxford Scholarship Online (politics), Ebrary, MyiLibrary, SpringerLink… Libraries > Information resources > Terms of use
Reference works The Blackwell dictionary of sociology: dictionary about sociology by the sociologist Allan G. Johnson. Oxford reference online: e-dictionaries about different subjects, in which we find The Concise Oxford dictionary of politics.
6. E-contents of journals A good idea to be updated on latest news TOC Premier (EbscoHost): Provides the summaries of 23,000 journals and has more than 18 milions of bibliographic registres from 1995. You can create alerts. Dialnet: Spanish database of journals, theses, chapters of books and miscellaneous material that provides the full-text when is available. You can create alerts.
TOC - Ebsco
Database of summaries DIALNET plus
7. E-theses Dissertations and theses (1861 USA, 1988 internat.--): worldwide theses citations and research literature. Direct UAB access from the Internet. TDX: doctoral theses presented at Catalan universities and some Spanish regions. Full-text available. Teseo (1976--):bibliographic references of the doctoral theses presented at Spanish universities. Redial (1980--): doctoral theses about Latin America presented at European universities. DART-Europe: gateway of the European theses. Full-text available.
DDD is the UAB institutional repository 8. E-repositories DDD is the UAB institutional repository
These resources are in Open Access CBUC Repositories TDX – Theses and dissertations online RACO – Catalan journals in Open Access RECERCAT- Catalan repository of research MDC – Digital memory of Catalonia MDX – Learning materials online These resources are in Open Access
9. Interesting tools and resources Google Scholar Search engine of specialized bibliography. DOAJ Directory of open access and full-text journals about all subjects.
Web 2.0 tools Blog BCS Politics and Sociology: News and RSS: Web resources: Library Twitter: @bcsUAB
more information: 10. Bibliographies The subscription to finishes next 31th December It’s time to migrate to Mendeley Premium more information:
11. Access from off campus ARE allows UAB users to work with the university e-resources from computers off campus: databases e-journals e-books How to connect to ARE?:, access from off campus
And that is all! If you have any question or for further information, please contact the Library staff Thanks! Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "El bibliotecario“, c.1566 Help: Libraries > Request forms > FAQs and help guides