School of Social and Political Science Tutor Induction, 18 January 2017 Lawrence Dritsas and Marie Craft
Today Introduction Context (Lawrence Dritsas, Deputy Dir. UG SSPS) Some key messages (Lawrence Dritsas, Deputy Dir. UG SSPS) Practicalities; e.g. payment (Marie Craft, UG School Administrative Officer)
Career development for tutors Both within and outwith SPS. Outwith SPS: a range of services/courses/online resources offered by Institute for Academic Development (IAD) : In particular, Edinburgh Teaching Award, (EdTA) which leads to HEA accreditation.
Tutoring in SPS Some Key Messages Dr Lawrence Dritsas, Deputy Director of Undergraduate School School of Social and Political Science
3 meetings with organisers per semester 1. At/before start of course 2. Prior to any mid course marking 3. Debriefing at end of teaching weeks
Tutoring in SPS Tutors hold a crucial position in teaching within SPS What do tutors do? Teaching Marking Course Admin Student Support
Teaching Tutorials are the place for students to Discuss and question with peers and their tutor Test their understanding A first stop for clarifying points To get student feedback on the course overall. Key task for a tutor is to moderate and guide these discussions Be prepared – but don’t feel you have to slavishly follow a plan Don’t lecture Do facilitate involvement from all and maintain an ordered discussion Encourage debate and accept multiple view points Provide guidance on the course and clarify feedback
Marking and Feedback Assessment will typically take two forms – written work and class participation Receiving constructive and specific feedback is one of the learning experiences most valued by students Training and guidance on how to be an effective marker will be provided later in the semester (before essay time) If you have to mark class participation :- Make sure you know what is expected of the students and yourself Keep your records up to date in a timely manner
Guiding principles on marking tutorial participation “A. Course organisers assessing tutorial participation should offer clear guidance to students and assessors on the performance assessment criteria used in that course. B. Clear feedback on marks should also be given to each student. At the very least feedback needs to be provided at the end of the course - also good practice to provide mid-way or preliminary feedback during the course. C. The marking scale used should be the same as that used for written work. These elements can be implemented in any number of ways and we encourage flexibility given the wide differences in tutorial structure, level and design.”
Student Support Students may come to you with problems which are not directly related to your course You are not expected to be an “expert” in such matters. It is good to know who to refer students to PT/SSO Disability Service Student Counselling Advice Place IAD Careers service Read and remember to follow any “Adjustment Schedules” you receive
Support for Tutors It’s OK not to know everything – don’t struggle – and don’t be afraid to ask. Talk to each other Communicate with your Senior Tutor/Course Organiser IAD Training / HEA Accreditation
Admin Online report of hours for payment (via eTime) Student attendance registers Update on tutor contracts Best way to contact us:
Payment via eTime for tutoring work Tutors are paid via an online system called “eTime” Accessed via My Ed and your STAFF UUN Standard claims are: taking tutorial, marking (UG only), post tutorial admin – see eTime guidance) Guidance will be circulated and is available at Follow the guidance to avoid problems and delays (see eTime guidance) Tutors enter hours themselves Tutoring Payments are verified and processed by UTO/GSO Help available: drop-in at reception desk at end/beginning of month Email:
Payment via eTime for Ad hoc work Ad hoc claims are things that aren’t tutoring; eg: moderation, lecturing, research, PG marking, anything not in the tutor manual Get in touch, if you expect to be paid Admin Staff cannot process claims for work we don’t know about The person asking you undertake ad hoc work may not have informed us. Speak to the Subject Secretary (SASO) or the UTO/GSO – BEFORE you do the work or submit a claim for it to ensure that you will be paid If you don't get in touch, the claim will be questioned and may be rejected The school has a process to ensure the you will be paid (see above) We (tutoring) don't process everything - but we'll always try to help Ad hoc claims are usually processed or paid by a different team (not the UG/PG Office tutoring teams)
Attendance registers – online tool Use your STAFF UUN Use the link on My Ed (on teaching tab) to take the register in class Link also available on central PCs and tablets issues by the school Course Secretaries will set up the tutorials groups Attendance to be taken directly in the class room using a PC, smart phone or tablet Instructions and guidance will be emailed to tutors by Friday and uploaded to LEARN Familiarise yourself with the system by taking attendance in Week 2, taking attendance is mandatory from week 3 NB – Student attendance at a tutorial does not equate to participation
New tutors- devices for attendance taking SPS I.T are holding a drop in session on the 19th of January (Room B.07 of CMB). Purpose: Give advice on how to use the new EUCLID tool issue devices to those who might need one to complete an electronic Register. Queries after the session above? Drop by reception desk or email:
Contracts & staff UUNS Tutors with existing contracts – extension has been requested Euclid attendance Registers from week 2 Make sure you use your Staff UUN (if you have problems, see central IS) New tutors – Contracts being raised Contracts beginning to come through – hoping to have all in place by the end of week 2 (27th) at the latest (for those who completed an eligibility to work check before Christmas) We will provide an update to tutors on their contracts on the 19th/20th (tomorrow and Friday). May impact attendance registers (paper registers will be permitted) NB Current PhD students will have TWO UUNS and two email addresses You MUST use your staff UUN for access to etime and attendance registers
Any Questions?