Welcome to 6th Grade Open House September 2, 2015
Meet Mrs. Dowler University of Pittsburgh Political Science/ History St. Vincent College History/ Elementary Education 8th year at LES Social Studies Teacher Leader- LES Student Council Advisor
A Wildcat ROARS --School wide motto-- Respect others Observe safety rules Act responsibly Reach for success Show kindness
CAT’S CASH --School wide behavior management system-- Teachers reward students who exhibit “ROARS” behavior with a punch on their Wildcat Reward Card. Wildcat Reward Cards are kept by the homeroom teacher. Students will be able to use their Wildcat Rewards at designated times. Demerits earned during a school day will result in the loss of Cat’s Cash.
“Give Me Five” --school wide attention signal-- Eyes on me Listen Quiet Hands Free Be Still
Expectations Rewards Consequences Are posted in the room for student reference as well as on my website.
--6th grade team consequence system-- Demerit System --6th grade team consequence system-- A detailed demerits earning policy is on my website. First demeritLoss of Cat’s Cash Second demeritLoss of recess Third demerit30 minute detention
Dress Code --school wide policy-- Tank tops are permitted as long as the strap is three fingers wide. No under garments are allowed to show. Appropriate short length: Students’ fingertips with arms straight should touch the bottom of the hem. Clothing with inappropriate messages are not allowed. Absolutely no flip flops!!!
Homework Expectations --6th grade team policy-- Quarterly assignment notebooks are REQUIRED. Assignments are posted on teacher websites daily. Policy letter—3 incomplete assignments will result in a detention.
Test/Quiz Corrections Opportunity --Previte/Merlin policy-- Bonus points can be earned when corrections are made. Test/quiz must be signed by a parent/guardian in order for bonus points to be added to the overall grade. Corrections must be made on notebook paper attached to the original test/quiz.
Recess vs. Workroom --6th grade team policy-- Recess will be OUTSIDE everyday (weather permitting) so be sure your child has appropriate outdoor wear. Workroom will be held in Ms. Previte’s, Mrs. Merlin’s or Miss Danser’s room everyday. Workroom is by teacher assignment only. If students do not attend workroom when assigned, they will be given a detention.
Grades/HAC --District wide program-- We follow the GLSD approved grading scale. Progress reports will be sent home at mid quarter. Please access the Home Access Center (HAC) regularly throughout the year. If you do not have a HAC account or have forgotten your log in information, please see the school secretary.
6th Grade Core Curriculum Materials Go Math! Storytown Science Fusion The World—Social Studies textbook Ancient civilizations
GLSD Website www.glsd.us Select LES main page Select appropriate teacher GoMath!, Storytown and Science Fusion materials are available online. http://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
Home-School Success Ideas for Homework Help: Quiet space Scheduled time Encourage best work Refer to class work for help If you and your child are struggling to complete an assignment, please send a note to the teacher.
Conferences November 10, 2015 --sign up information can be found in the hallway.
Thank You For Attending! Places to Visit… Bean table for handouts Encore teachers Book Fair in the Library PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale Thank You For Attending!