TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK Wednesday, November 2, 2016
What is “Take Our Kids To Work?” It is a special school day set aside to offer ALL grade nine students the opportunity to go with their parents to work.
History Started in Toronto in 1994. Every year, over 250,000 students across Canada participate in the program and more than 75,000 workplaces open their doors to grade nine students. Program strengthens the relationship among schools, businesses and the community.
Main Purposes of the Day To offer students a realistic view of the work world and to give them an understanding of its demands and opportunities To allow students to see their parents or volunteer hosts in different roles and to understand what they do to support their families
Main Purposes Continued…. To emphasize that education goes beyond the classroom walls and that the preparation of students for the future is a community responsibility. To give students the opportunity to see what skills and competencies are necessary in various workplaces. To help students realize the importance and necessity of staying in school.
Health & Safety Issues FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS of your supervisor. There will be a safety orientation at your workplace. LISTEN carefully. If safety equipment is required, USE IT. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS of your supervisor. Inform your host of any special medical conditions, i.e. peanut allergy Take your Health Card with you. DO NOT operate a motorized vehicle.
The Permission Form Part A: Student Agreement Part B: Parent/Guardian Consent Part C: Workplace/Host Agreement
Part A: Student Agreement The student agrees to: Arrive at workplace at specified time. Follow travel arrangements to and from site as agreed upon with the parent. Abide by all the rules of the workplace. Discuss potential safety hazards. Get and wear safety equipment. Follow the directions of the supervisors. Stay at the workplace until specified time.
Part B: Parent Consent The parent: Gives permission to participate. Indicates where and with whom the student will be. Includes parent’s telephone number (in the event child needs to be picked up and taken home) Reviews “Elements of Risk”
Part C: Workplace Agreement The workplace agreement includes: Name of host, occupation, relationship, workplace, address, telephone number. Time student should arrive and depart. Indication if student needs to bring lunch. Provision for proper supervision of the student.
Student’s Responsibilities TAKE permission form home. Talk to your parents and FIND a placement. Get all 3 sections of permission form SIGNED (by you, parent and host). RETURN permission form to your period 5 teacher by October 27, 2016.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get to work? Go with your parent, a relative, neighbour, friend or volunteer host (as agreed upon by your parent).
What if I get sick on Nov. 2? Contact your hosts immediately to let them know you will not be coming to work. Telephone the school to report your absence. If you get sick at the workplace, call your parent to take you home.
What if I can’t go with my parent? Ask a friend if his/her parent can take you along with them. Ask a relative. Ask a neighbour. Ask a friend of your parents.
Take Our Kids To Work Day Review All grade nine students Who? Where? Preferably a parent’s place of work When? Wednesday, November 2, 2016 How? Talk to you parents, who then talk to their employers
Things To Do Right Away Find a host & transportation (your parent is the easiest choice). Get the Permission Form signed. Complete the worksheet called “Preparing For Your Day” . Staple Permission Form and worksheet together and hand in to your period 5 teacher by OCTOBER 27, 2016.
ON THE DAY… (Nov. 2) Be prepared and arrive on time. Be a good ambassador for your parent, host, and school. Follow all safety rules and stay alert. Learn as much as possible and complete any activities assigned for the day. Be appreciative and thank your host in person.
After the day... Reflect and talk about your experiences with your family, friends and teachers. Write a short thank you note to your host.
Make the most of your experience!