Randolph County School System Consent Orders December 1994 March 2011 April 2013 May 2016
December 1994 Original Consent Decree December 1994 Employment Methods of Discipline Policies and Programs Address Perceptions Curricula Offerings December 1994
March 2011 Second Consent Order Focus: Personnel Hiring and Assignment of Student Discipline Personnel recommendations to reach 23% Black in category 1 employees Increase recruiting efforts Post on specified websites Post for 14 days unless during school term 7 days for teaching positions only Establishment of Employment Committee and Local School Committee Work with Southeastern Equity Center to attain goal . Specific procedures for training and hiring procedures/practices. March 2011
April 2013 Third Consent Order Specific to Workforce Goal for Category 1 Employees and Interim Employment of Category 1 Teachers. Continue the procedures for hiring and recruitment from March 2011 order Workforce Goal set at 16% Black certified employees which must be maintained for two consecutive years Specific guidelines for employment of an interim applicant (can not exceed 6 weeks). April 2013
May 2016 Fourth Consent Order Workforce Goal of 16% Black Certified Employees Continue recruitment and interviews at all historically black colleges and universities. Advertise employment vacancies to the education placement officials at each public university in Alabama and all historically black colleges and universities (public and private) for at least 14 days. Work with an Equity Consultant to assist the system in best practices of recruiting, hiring and retention of Black faculty and certified staff. May 2016
May 2016 Continue guidelines Consultant will propose revisions: Requirement that all the District personnel involved in recruitment and hiring follow a uniform set of guidelines/policies that identify and take account of the District’s obligations. Providing for targeted recruitment, hiring and retention program designed to increase the number of Black faculty. Include measures designed to ensure that Black faculty and certified staff are equitably distributed among all schools in the District. Require that all District personnel involved in recruitment and hiring be trained annually on how to the implement policies and procedures. May 2016
Continued Consultant’s recommendations will be presented to Plaintiff within 15 days of the review Proposed revisions shall be submitted to Plaintiff no later than 60 days after the review. Plaintiff will advise if they approve or disapprove with 30 days to make revisions. District will implement all approved proposed revisions with 30 days of Plaintiffs approval. May 2016
Hiring Practices Advertisements: Minimum of 14 days Local Schools, Board Office and Transportation Dept. State Unemployment Office Teach In Alabama www.alsde.edu/TeachInAlabama District Web Site www.randolphboe.org Historically Black Colleges (public and private) Public Colleges in the state of Alabama Hiring Practices
Colleges and University Alabama A&M Athens State Alabama State Auburn University Bishop State Community College Auburn University Montgomery Concordia University Calhoun Community College Drake, J.F St. Tech College Jacksonville Gadsden State College Troy University Lawson State Com College University of Alabama Miles College University of Alabama Birmingham Oakwood University University of Alabama Huntsville Selma University University of Montevallo Shelton State Com College University of North Alabama Stillman College University of South Alabama Talladega College University of West Alabama Trenholm State Tech College Wallace State Community Tuskegee College Colleges and University
Applications must include the following: A valid Alabama Teacher Certificate or proof of eligibility for a valid Alabama certificate. College Transcripts Three (3) letters of recommendation Applications must include the following:
Complete Applicant File Applicant files are considered for all vacancies that he/she is qualified for during a 36 month period. (unless applicant specifies in writing that they do not wish to be considered) Application and documents are kept for 36 months (paper copy) Complete Applicant File
Employment Committee Duties of Employment Committee Review/Evaluate applicants based upon scoring tool Select applicants to be interviewed Review hiring recommendations made by the Local School Committee and advise the Superintendent on hiring practices. All Administrative/Central Office vacancies are interviewed by the Employment Committee Identifies applicants for the Local School Committee to interview. Keep minutes of all meetings and documentation of members in attendance. Help ensure that the District takes all necessary precautions to show a good faith effort toward recruiting, hiring and retaining qualified Black faculty and staff. Employment Committee
Employment/Local School Committee Employment Committee Consists of three (3) people Two selected by the District and one by the Plaintiffs Committee meets to screen all applications for certified vacant positions within the District and select qualified applicants to interview Committee specifies applicants to the Local School Committee for employment interviews Employment/Local School Committee
The Local School Committee Each school in the District will have a Local School Hiring Committee Consisting of: The School Principal One person selected by the Employment Committee One person appointed by the Plaintiffs All three (3) members are to be involved in the interviews (if not minutes should reflect why not) The Local School Committee
Responsibilities of Local School Committee Contacting Applicants to set up interviews All contact attempts must be documented on District Form Applicants may be determined unreachable after the following steps: Applicant has provided a cell phone number and/or an email address, the District will attempt to reach the cellphone and email , if both are provided, for up to three consecutive days. If the District is unable to reach the applicant for three consecutive days, and has received no response from the applicant from messages left, the applicant will be deemed unreachable. Responsibilities of Local School Committee
Responsibilities of Local School Committee Contacting Applicants: If applicant only has a telephone number (no cell or email) the district will call for three (3) consecutive days. If district is unable to reach applicant, the District will send the applicant a certified Letter. The District will document ALL efforts to contact each applicant. (Local School Committees will submit all paperwork with Principal Rational for each job) Responsibilities of Local School Committee
Responsibilities of the Local School Committee Local School Committees should check references and document contacts. Ask all applicants the same questions (maintain all question responses in Principal’s Office available upon request of the Employment Committee/Superintendent) The Local School Committee will make a decision by majority vote and make an employment recommendation to the Employment Committee. Responsibilities of the Local School Committee
Local School Committee makes recommendations on the Principal’s Rational Sheet (District Form). Form is presented to the Employment Committee. Employment Committee makes recommendation to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will determine what, if any recommendation is made to the board. Recommendation of no more than three candidates (not less than 3) At least one (1) candidate should be Black if a qualified Black candidate was interviewed. Recommendations
Training Training of Hiring Process Provide annual training to administrators, personnel clerks, member of Employment Committee and Local School Committee Instructions on application submission process Districts obligations to hire and assignment of teachers and staff consistent with standards of Consent Decree Superintendent will ensure that all principals, administrators, faculty and certified staff are informed of the provisions. Training
Why work to meet the terms of legislation that is more than 20 years old? IT IS the moral and ethical obligation of every educator to follow the law or show a good faith effort in attempt. It is the mission of Randolph County School District to foster successful communities which begin with the acceptance and understanding of diversity. Unitary Status