My FM Rural Site Experience Clayton Damme, M3
Auburn, Nebraska Approximately 1 hour 20 minutes south of Omaha Population 3,460 My favorite place to eat: Dutch Pantry
Auburn Family Health Clinic Private clinic owned by 5 family physicians I worked with Dr. Michael Zaruba, MD Also employ 4 physician assistants See a wide variety of medical conditions Proivde OB care through the first trimester, but defer care to outside OBGYN for remainder
Nemaha County Hospital Right up the hill from AFHC When Dr. Zaruba is on call, we round on inpatients in the morning A P.A. staffs the emergency room and cares for inpatients 24/7 Collaborates with on-call physician Many outpatient clinics (cardiology, optho, ortho, neuro, etc.), home health, cardiac rehab, PT/OT
Room & Board/Accomodations I stayed with my parents/brother and sister in Talmage, NE which is about a 25-minute drive to Auburn When I was working at the clinic, I walked to the hospital cafeteria for lunch—great food!
Nemaha County Hospital Website