CBS Expert Team on Aircraft Based Observing Systems (ET-ABO) Progress Report ICT-IOS-9 (Geneva, 18-21 April 2016)
Items covered in this report Status Aircraft Based Observations Programme Achievements 2014-2016 Work Plan, ToR ABO Regional Implementation Plans AMDAR Coverage International Collaboration Outreach, Capacity-Building ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016 Current Status ABOP 11 National & Regional Programmes 40+ Airlines 3500+ Aircraft Monthly 700,000+ Observations Daily 135 Aircraft reporting Humidity (Water Vapour) 600 Aircraft reporting Turbulence (EDR) ABO types: WMO: AMDAR; ICAO: AIREPs, ADS, Mode-S; 3rd Parties: AFIRS (FLYHT), [TAMDAR (Panasonic WS)] Development: Argentina, Brazil ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Geographical Coverage ABOP (Courtecy CMC) ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016 Global Coverage ABOP ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Monitoring Global Coverage ABOP ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Global Coverage ABOP (additional AMDAR elements) Water Vapor Turbulence EDR Tubulence DEVG ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Joint ET-ABO/ET-AO Meeting The WMO CBS Expert Team on Aircraft Based Observing Systems (ET-ABO) and the CIMO Expert Team on Aircraft Based Observations (ET-AO) are together responsible for development and maintenance of the WMO AMDAR observing system under the Aircraft Based Observations Programme (ABOP); Having previously held their first sessions separately, the two teams met together in a joint session in Casablanca, Morocco over 7-11 December 2016 so as to facilitate collaboration between the two teams and the harmonisation of their work plans.; Agenda Items: Status AMDAR Obs. System, Work Plans, Status ABO Regional Implementation Plans, draft updates ABO sections in Manual on the GOS and Guide to the GOS (WIGOS Regulatory Material), technical developments, software development, coding issues, training/outreach/capacity building; Support to DMN-Royal Air Maroc interaction (Morocco national AMDAR programme). ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016 ToR ET-ABO Last updated: 03/04/2013 (Approved by CBS-XV) Manage the programme for the aircraft observing system and the budget for the corresponding expenditure of the AMDAR Trust Fund in line with its ToR; Oversee the development and maintenance of the aircraft observations Quality Management System; Oversee the scientific and technical development and maintenance of the aircraft observing system; Oversee and assist in the enhancement and optimization of the aircraft observing system in line with the requirements of Members and the recommendations and actions of the EGOS-IP; Assist and provide support for training and outreach activities to support promotion and further development of the aircraft observing system; Provide advice and support to the Chairperson of OPAG-IOS on the implementation of the WIGOS framework and its operational aspects. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (a) Manage the programme for the aircraft observing system and the budget for the corresponding expenditure of the AMDAR Trust Fund in line with its ToR development and update of the ABO Work Plan 2016-2017 (Ref. Doc. 6.6, Appendix B); development and update of the 2016-2017 budget and the projection for the 2018-2019 budget for the use of AMDAR Trust Fund expenditure; coordination of and contribution to the development of the Regional Implementation Plans for ABO, including AMDAR; development and expansion of the ABOP (including AMDAR); development of updates for aircraft based observations regulatory and guidance GOS material for future implementation into the WIGOS Regulatory Material (Ref. INF-8 & INF-9). ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (b) Oversee the development and maintenance of the aircraft observations Quality Management System further work on the review and update of ABO regulatory material, including specification requirements for Quality Control and Quality Management of ABO data and metadata; evaluated Expressions of Interest for the development of an ABO Global Data Center (ABO Data Management) and started a dialog with the a potential candidate for clarifying the requirements for implementation; development of a potential global data management framework for ABO data, to be established as part of the WIS. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (c) [1 Oversee the scientific and technical development and maintenance of the aircraft observing system review and update of the ARINC620 Meteorological Report Specification with the ARINC Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC); wider implementation (to 300 aircraft) of the turbulence reporting algorithm (EDR) under the US MDCRS (AMDAR) programme; two other US programmes are providing EDR data produced by approx. 600 aircraft; in cooperation with the CIMO ET-AO, E-AMDAR and Météo France supporting the development of AMDAR Onboard Software for the Air France B777 aircraft fleet, based on the AOSFRS Functional Requirements Specification; ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (c2) [1 Oversee the scientific and technical development and maintenance of the aircraft observing system extended implementation (to 135 aircraft) of the humidity sensor WVSS-II under the US MDCRS (AMDAR) programme; installation of updated version of the humidity sensor WVSS-II in 8 DLH aircraft under the European E-AMDAR programme; increased contacts with ICAO and the WAFCs on the availability of ICAO regulated aircraft based observations (e.g. AIREPs, ADS-C) as supplement to WMO AMDAR data; start activities (on data quality and availability) on ICAO regulated Mode-S/ADS-B data (wind, temperature), possibly resulting in supplementing AMDAR coverage in data sparse regions; start study on the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as a potential platform for making meteorological observations. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (d) Oversee and assist in the enhancement and optimization of the aircraft observing system in line with the requirements of Members and the recommendations and actions of the EGOS-IP development of (six) [draft] Regional Implementation Plans for ABO (A-RIPs) through the Regional WIGOS IPs, supported by the ET-ABO; sent a letter to the Permanent Representatives to WMO recommending to support the expansion of the Global AMDAR Programme; following the plans and recommendations in the RA I A-RIP: presentation of AMDAR at the 3rd Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET, February 2015) and selection as one of the Flagship Programmes (FPr-3) under Strategic Pillar 3 of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology; presentation of AMDAR at the 4th Aviation Stakeholders Convention of the African Airlines association (AFRAA) in Johannesburg, April 2015; organisation of an AMDAR side event during 17th WMO Congress; discussed with and encouraged the US MDCRS (AMDAR) programme plans for the development of an optimization System in the USA; operational start of an AMDAR programme in Mexico; ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (d2) Oversee and assist in the enhancement and optimization of the aircraft observing system in line with the requirements of Members and the recommendations and actions of the EGOS-IP Argentina is about to finalize the development of an AMDAR programme, based on Embraer type aircraft; start of the development of a national AMDAR program in Kenya and Morocco; sub-hourly AMDAR profiles are being made available by the European E-AMDAR programme from France (selected airports), The Netherlands (Amsterdam airport) and the United Kingdom (UK mesoscale domain), Japan, United States and Australia; Six IAGOS instrument packages have successfully been installed in respectively Lufthansa (2), China Airlines, Air France, Cathay Pacific and Iberia Airbus A330 and A340 type aircraft. IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System, successor for MOZAIC) is an environment research programme under the EU European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructure; study and preparation of a report on the AMDAR Benefits to the Air Transport Industry; ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (d3) Oversee and assist in the enhancement and optimization of the aircraft observing system in line with the requirements of Members and the recommendations and actions of the EGOS-IP study and publication in the Bulletin of the AMS of two papers on the (current) impact and (future) benefits of AMDAR observations in operational forecasting: Part 1: a review of the impact of automated aircraft wind and temperature reports; Part 2: water vapour observations. support of presentation of the paper “Automated Meteorological Reports from Commercial Aircraft: Improving Weather Forecasts and Aviation Safety and Efficiency at the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference , Bordeaux, France (July 2014); consolidating the two publications into the WIGOS Technical Report TR 2015-1 on Impact and Benefits of AMDAR Temperature, Wind and Moisture Information in Operational Weather Forecasting. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (e) Assist and provide support for training and outreach activities to support promotion and further development of the aircraft observing system publication of (currently) ten volumes of the WMO AMDAR Observing System Newsletter; organized and delivered two regional workshops on AMDAR in WMO Region I: for the Eastern, Central and Southern regions of Africa in Nairobi, Kenya (June 2015); and for the Western and Northern regions of Africa in Casablanca, Morocco (December 2015). operational implementation of an on-line AMDAR Learning Module developed by COMET® (UCAR, USA), in close cooperation with and support by the ET-ABO; coverage of the subject of AMDAR and discussion in social media, such as LinkdIn Aviation WX Group, and interviews in daily newspapers, such as the Washington Post and the News Observer. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Achievements (f) Provide advice and support to the Chairperson of OPAG-IOS on the implementation of the WIGOS framework and its operational aspects. The ET-ABO has provided support to the Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS on the Implementation of the WIGOS Framework and its Operational Aspects, including representation in TT-WMD-4. (WIGOS MetaData) ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ET-ABO Issue [Ref. ToR (c)] ICAO regulated Aircraft Observations (AIREPS, ADS-C, Mode-S/ADS-B) have been recognized as a valuable complement of WMO ABO data, especially in regions sparsely covered with WMO ABO observations; The data management of such data and the uncontrolled provision of it on the GTS is however of concern; ET-ABO has started a dialog with representatives of ICAO and the two WAFCs on this topic (October 2015); It was suggested that the WAFC requirements for upper air data should be consistent with, and perhaps even contained within, the AeM Statement of Guidance which supports the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements process; It was agreed that the WAFC representatives would review the current AeM SoG in order to assess the document’s relevance to WAFC operations; The participants agreed that a remote conference meeting should be held around March 2016, arranged by the WMO Secretariat, so as to discuss progress on the agreed actions. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Proposed Update ET-ABO ToR For submission to ICT-IOS-9 and approval at CBS-XVI In collaboration with the CIMO Expert Team on Aircraft-based Observations, manage and coordinate the Aircraft Based Observations (ABO) programme, including the development and implementation of the ET-ABO work plan and the budget for the corresponding expenditure of the AMDAR Trust Fund in line with its ToR; Under the leadership and work plan of the CIMO ET-AO, contribute to the scientific and technical development of the Aircraft Based Observing System; Oversee and assist in the maintenance, enhancement and optimization of the Aircraft Based Observing System, including the AMDAR observing system, in line with the requirements of Members and the recommendations and actions of the EGOS-IP; Provide technical and scientific resources in support of further development of the Aircraft Based Observing System and assist in ABO training and outreach activities; Coordinate the development and maintenance of the ABO quality monitoring system [as a contribution to] [in accordance with] the WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System; Under the direction of the Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS, undertake tasks and provide advice on and support for the implementation of the WIGOS framework and the priority activities of the WIGOS pre-operational phase; Coordinate with and report to the work groups of CBS and other Technical Commissions as appropriate and relevant to the ET-ABO work plan and as directed by the Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS; Report to the Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS on the status and achievements of the ABO programme. [Doc. 6.6, App. C] ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Recommendations to CBS-16 DESIGNATION OF A WMO AIRCRAFT BASED OBSERVATIONS GLOBAL DATA CENTER and (IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CAeM) SEEK STRONG SUPPORT AND PROMOTION BY ICAO AND IATA FOR THE WMO GLOBAL DATA CENTER, PARTICIPATION IN THE WMO AMDAR PROGRAMME AND THE PROVISION OF AIRCRAFT BASED OBSERVATIONS BY THE AIR TRANSPORT INDUSTRY THE COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS, Noting that: (1) the WMO AMDAR observing system, as the primary component of the Aircraft Based Observing System, is considered to be a critical source of upper-air observations in support of the Global Observing System; (2) the data provided is of excellent quality and is recognised as being of great benefit to the meteorological and aviation communities and related operational application areas; (3) numerous studies and scientific papers attest to the quality and positive impact of such data; (4) the quality of the data provided by the WMO AMDAR observing system should be maintained, guaranteed and managed. Considering that: (1) while the benefits of aircraft based observations and AMDAR data are widely appreciated by the weather forecasting and aviation services communities, they are often not as well appreciated or understood by the Air Transport Industry; (2) therefore, the aircraft based observations and AMDAR data are probably not as well promoted and used as is possible (3) therefore, the expansion and enhancement of aircraft based observations, that is expected to provide even greater benefit, does not see the progress as well as the rapidity as was expected. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
Recommendations to CBS-16 Recommends that: (1) CBS approves the designation of the NOAA Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) as the WMO Aircraft Based Observations Global Data Centre; and (2) CBS approves the collaboration of the Expert Team on Aircraft Based Observing Systems (ET-ABO) with the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology in seeking the strong support and promotion by ICAO and IATA of the WMO ABO Global Data Center, their participation in the WMO AMDAR programme and the provision of aircraft based observations by the Air Transport Industry. Requests that the [Secretary-General] [President of CBS] provides support to the development and maintenance of the activities necessary for MADIS to become the WMO Aircraft Based Observations Global Data Center and to the appropriate activities towards the involvement of ICAO and IATA. ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016
ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016 Thank you for your Attention ICT-IOS-9, Geneva, 18-21 April 2016