Overview of liveWELL program by UI Wellness 5-10 minute presentation to convey the liveWell program to leaders at The University of Iowa. UI Wellness desires to inform as many as people as possible about liveWell before this integrated model for health, safety and productivity is unveiled to campus in early 2006. The target rollout date for participation is April 1, 2006; a phased rollout will occur into the summer of 2006. It is a program goal to have approximately 70% of eligible staff complete the online Health Risk Assessment, which is the entry point into the liveWell program. Faculty, Professional & Scientific, and Merit Supervisory Exempt employees in a 50% or greater appointment are those who are eligible initially. Plans to include UI retirees, dependents, and Merit staff are being considered. Prepared by UI Wellness. For internal use only. DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Agenda About liveWELL Process Benchmark Data Benefits to Individual Benefits to Organization Goals/Outcomes Q & A To assist you in having a greater understanding of this comprehensive wellness initiative, the agenda will include the following: DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
About liveWELL liveWELL is a collaborative effort with the overall goal of enhancing the health and well-being of UI faculty and staff. The model focuses on an integrative approach to health, productivity, and safety for faculty and staff. Partners include: UI Wellness College of Nursing College of Medicine College of Public Health College of Pharmacy College of Liberal Arts & Sciences College of Dentistry UI Health Plans UI Benefits University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Stakeholder group comprised of listed partners was convened in early 2005. Planning groups have been meeting regularly ever since. After the start of the program, partners will continue to consult on program and serve as resources for referral and follow-up. DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Process Health Risk Assessment (HRA) – 20 minute online questionnaire Individual Report – Tailored feedback for personal health plan development Health Coach Appropriate Referral Individual completes Health Risk Assessment (HRA) which can be accessed from liveWell website. Personal Health Report generated that highlights risk area provides feedback for personal health improvements, and lists campus/local resources Qualified participants may be contacted by Health Coach. May work long term with health coach in person, via telephone or via email to develop tailored health improvement plan. Health Coach is referral source to subsequent group, internal care program, external program, primary care provider DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Benchmark Data Private Companies Academic Settings Johnson & Johnson - Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine reported a reduction in medical care expenditures of $224.66 per employee, per year. Union Pacific Railroad first established their worksite wellness program in 1987 and since then has made health and wellness a part of their corporate culture. According to an article in the July 2004 issue of Workforce Management, UPR estimates that during 2001 its wellness program saved the company $53 million. Academic Settings In January 2004, Duke University began offering a prospective health program as a new benefit to its 35,000 employees and their dependents. The core component of this program is the “health coach model.” The body of literature on worksite wellness programs that use a model similar to that of liveWell continues to grow. A unique characteristic of liveWell is that it is among the first integrated models for health, safety, and productivity to be used in an academic setting. Private companies have demonstrated return on investments of 3:1 up to 12:1 for every dollar invested in such a program. Also unique about liveWell is the ability to utilize internal experts as part of an individuals health improvement plan, without having to outsource services to a 3rd party vendor, thus increasing costs. DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Benefits to Individual Improved health Feel better at home and work Support to make healthy lifestyle changes Ability to improve communication with personal physician Eligible individuals may qualify to work one-on-one with a health coach or other professional to work towards their own individual health goals Financial Incentive for completing HRA DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Benefits to Organization Culture that supports people as our most important asset Individual Faculty and Staff health improvement Improved Recruitment and Retention Cost savings through management of health care utilization and health care costs Reduced absenteeism Improved performance Collaboration with campus experts/internal resources Individual Faculty and Staff health improvement Containment of Health Care Spending Improved Recruitment and Retention Programming tailored to population needs Collaboration with campus resources (UIHC, Colleges) Integration of Worker’s Compensation Data, Health Care utilization, pharmaceutical claims, HRIS Data for program planning, viewing of trends and patterns, and prediction of future trends DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Goals/Outcomes Individual health improvement Culture that supports faculty/staff as most important asset Metrics – Shift in UI faculty/staff population from high risk to low risk/ Maintain low risk at low risk. Return on Investment - health care expenditures, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity Aside from promoting individual health enhancement for all, we want to prevent people from moving into the high-risk, high-cost side. By the time people migrate from low-risk to high-risk, it is more difficult, costly, and time consuming to improve health status. By catching all people, we hope to maintain the current healthy/low-risk population and improve the moderate to high risk population DRAFT - For Internal Use Only
Q & A Thank you! Any questions about liveWELL can be directed to: Joni Troester joni-troester@uiowa.edu Megan Moeller megan-moeller@uiowa.edu DRAFT - For Internal Use Only