MEDSAFE History… 2000 The Maryland Hospital Association (MHA) sponsored the MEDSAFE Project to assist Maryland hospitals in understanding their performance in the crucial area of patient safety. employed ISMP's nationally-used Medication Safety Self-Assessment Tool™. In 2002 – The first statewide report was produced and shared with participating hospitals. October of 2003 - Hospitals attended a day-long conference jointly sponsored by the MEDSAFE Project and ISMP that addressed key issues identified in the 2002 report.
MEDSAFE History… In 2003 and 2005, the ISMP survey was repeated. The results in these subsequent years provided a validation of the first analysis, and reflected the improvements that hospitals had made based on the initial report. 2005 AAMC identified as one of most improved & invited to present at annual conference Current - The MEDSAFE Project is now sponsored by the Maryland Patient Safety Center (MPSC) allowing for: opportunities for benchmarking new research on specific safety topics pertinent to Maryland hospitals more extensive data analysis services.
Scoring in 2006 At AAMC, convened a multidisciplinary Task Force composed of Quality & Safety, Nursing (MedSurg, ICU, Women & Children), & Pharmacy. The current ISMP Medication Safety Self-Assessment Tool™ includes a total of 231 questions with a maximum possible score of 1,484. AAMC’s total score (i.e., summation of the scores from the 231 ISMP survey questions) is 1,284.00. Maryland Median = 1,164.50 Maryland Mean = 1,146.29 This represents an overall achievement of 87% of the maximum possible score, and indicates 13% room for improvement in your hospital’s score.
AAMC Overall Rank Rating
Key Areas for Improvement (score point gap from maximum possible) Bar-code 2 patient identifiers to check prior to med admin* Link computer order entry to lab alerts* Bar-code prior to dispensing* Bar-code drug check at administration* Block med order entry until weight is in computer Require explanation to override serious alert Archived allergy info is readily available for viewing next admit * EMAR-BMV
Areas for Improvement (score gap from Maryland median) Archived allergy information available for review by pharmacists Require explanation to override serious alert Team evaluates literature for evidence-based med error reduction* Team evaluates published error reports to make proactive changes* * Med Error Task Force / Med Safety Pharmacist
Next Steps…. EMAR-BMV (bar-coding) Implementation Re-explore Meditech Features Expand Med Error Task Force Functions to Include Literature Surveys