Glaciation and Natural Landscapes Project By Joseph Dobrzanski Geography 12
Arête Sharp ridges made amidst cirques when they erode a mountain face. The razor-shape edge of an arête lining a cirque is emphasized with an arrow. Observed by Joseph in the BC interior along the Trans-Canada Highway on the April of 2014.
Breaker Term for waves that approach the shore to form the “water wave shape”. Friction with the shore slows the wave’s base allowing the top to continue onward until it falls on itself. A wave falling on itself to form a breaker. An image taken by Joseph on the shores by Bamfield on the October of 2013.
Cirque Depression eroded by an alpine glacier’s movement from its origin point. Visible after the glacier retreats off it. The bowl shaped depression of a cirque is further highlighted with an arrow. Observed by Joseph at Sun Peaks on the January of 2015.
Glacial Erratic Boulders moved far from their original whereabouts by glaciers. Alberta’s “Big Rock” was glacially transported from the Athabasca River region and now sits on an otherwise flat field. This picture was taken by Joseph near Okotok, Alberta on the July of 2012.
Headland A thin protrusion of land from coast towards sea. Usually has sheer cliff faces. Land pointing into the ocean with a steep cliff face. This headland was seen by Joseph around The Bahamas on the December of 2013.
Kettles Water-filled depressions created with moraines. Formed when ice under glacial till/other materials melts. Water filling a depression to form a lake like that of a kettle. Noted by Joseph near Mount Seymour on the August of 2015.
Moraines Glacial till transported and deposited by glaciers to another place. The rolling profile of several glacial deposits (aka moraines) in southern Alberta. Spotted by Joseph on the July of 2012.
Sea Stack A coastal, above-water rock pillar. Formed when a sea arch collapses due to erosion processes. These sea stacks collapsed long enough ago that vegetation grows on them. Both pictures were taken by Joseph around Bamfield on the October of 2013.
U-Shaped Valley A valley shaped like a broad ‘u’. Formed by erosion from a glacier’s movement through an area with mountains. A valley shaped like a ‘u’ between the mountains. A sight seen by Joseph in Strathcona Provincial Park on the March of 2013.