GLACIAL ACTION Introduction;- Glaciers are very big sheets of ice, covering large areas. A Glacier is a body of ice having mainly crystallised snow flakes. The Glaciers floe down from the hills due to gravity. Glaciers form in high altitudes Snowfall will be of different shapes and slowly snow becomes compact
Small glaciers are called Glacierets Ice Bergs ;- The ice is move as a thick fluid. Glaciers flow down slowly covering large valley areas. When the glaciers meet the sea, they form Ice bergs. Small glaciers are called Glacierets Ice berg
Types Of Glaciers 2) Piedmont Glaciers 3) Ice Sheets Glaciers are divided into three types depending on their structure. They Are 1) Mountain (or) Valley Glaciers 2) Piedmont Glaciers 3) Ice Sheets
1) Mountain or Valley Glaciers;- They are move down as streams of ice, from high mountains. They will have branches and length will be long. Glaciers in ALP mountains will be 9 miles long. Glaciers in South Alaska will be 75-100 miles long Many glaciers in Sikkim , Kashmir are moving Glaciers cover hanging valleys, called as Hanging glaciers
Mountain glaciers
2) Piedmont Glaciers;- They are intermediate stage between mountain glaciers and ice sheets. They are found on the plain, at the base of a mountain They depend on melting due to suns temperature. They form when two glaciers meet. They are common in alaska.
3) Ice Sheets ;- They are very large ice bodies covering large areas 3) Ice Sheets ;- They are very large ice bodies covering large areas. They will have height, Thickness and Cover plain areas. In places like Ice lend, Antarctica, green lands etc.., ice sheets cover mountain peaks
Smaller ice sheets are called Ice Caps. Ice caps cover less than hundread100 sq miles. For example Vatna Glaciers of ice land. Glacier is a small ice sheet covering 75 sq miles with a thickness of 750 feet. Mountain peaks standing as islands in the oceans are called Nunatak. Glaciers cover 10% of land.
Geological work of Glaciers:- This is done by Erosion, transport, deposition . This is called Glaciation. Erosion by glaciers is done by abrasion and pulling of weathered material. They will have broad and deep cracks called Crevasses. Number of crevasses in an area is called Birgschrund. This is common in valley glaciers. The hills and mountains in the glaciers route are cut by Frost wedging. Broken material carried forward is called Drift.
Glacial Transport;- It is the moving of the drift or rock waste in large amounts. In coastal areas, the material is carried into the seas. The glaciers join the seas and break into Ice bergs. The materail at the base of the glaciers will be sand and silt. The Rock material from the bed rock, is carried at the bottom of the glacier.
Glacial Deposits;- They are the material deposited by melting Glaciers. The decrease in velocity of glaciers, will deposit the rock waste. The deposits will be irregular and ill sorted. The ill sorted deposits are called TILL. A rock called Tillite is formed by Glacio-fluvial deposits. The deposits will have Bedding . Moraines are different types formed in the valley glaciers.
Dramlins are un stratified glacial deposits Dramlins are un stratified glacial deposits. They are smooth, alongated, and rounded hills. Erractics are group of boulders deposited on land. The boulders will have different sizes and spread out as fans called Boulder Erratics. Glacio – fluvial deposits will have sand and gravel. Out wash material in the valleys will form Valley Trains. Kettles are basin like depressions having diameter from few feet to few miles. Eskers are long winding, low deposits of gravel and sand. The length will be less then 1mile .
Submitted to;- MR. P.C. Swaroop Sir Department of Geology.