A Co-Operative Business Model Craig Thomson, CEO
Agenda Transformative Journey to a new business model
Queanbeyan to Helensburgh Start at the End 2013 2016 Turnover $4.5M $11.7M Staff (Headcount) 32 120 Service Types 1 10 Geography Queanbeyan to Helensburgh Added Mid-North Coast Clients 297 610
What we were Established in 1988 under auspice of Council Provided Case Management to clients with complex needs, under a brokerage model Operated Helensburgh to Queanbeyan Fully grant funded, payments in advance
And then our world imploded ……. Introduction of CDC Commonwealth Home Support Programme NDIS Case Management–where does it fit in the new world! Created the need to function under a mission based business model offering an attractive service proposition to clients
Responding to Unprecedented reform …. Understand and manage costs Develop new sources of ‘REVENUE’ Improve/develop new Systems & processes Expand Service Offering Quality services at competitive prices Marketing/Branding Partnerships Structure
This looks difficult, let’s just ignore it
BAU is not an option. Quick, lets Innovate and fast
Consultation & advice from: First Steps Consultation & advice from: Sector Experts International Experience (Research) Staff/Board Clients including Government Agencies Reflection on who and what we were Findings: Service & Support delivered of highest quality Wanted wider ranging services but must be different Promotion of the organisation Ensure flexible and competitive Determine if we merge, remain independent or hybrid
Early Board Resolutions Get rid of all baggage and preconceptions Build on our Case Management heritage There is no such thing as a stupid idea Be bold and have the courage to see it through Partnerships are fundamental Minimise duplication Social ventures Independence, Innovation, Inclusiveness
Community Gateway – 5 Year Strategic Plan Guiding Principles - Innovation, Co-operation and inclusiveness 1.Maximising outcomes for our clients Community Gateway will be recognised as a provider of choice due to its client focussed business model and quality outcomes. 2.Diversify Community Gateway will be a leader in the provision of innovative client driven services that meet client’s needs especially where service gaps exist. 3.Strengthen the Organisation - Community Gateway will remain a strong, sustainable organisation and be viewed as an employer of choice
Taking a different approach Due to not being shackled with delivering services for the past umpteen years we were able to build a more flexible program of services We are focussed on the services not the clients package Aimed at working co-operatively with other service providers
Community Hubs- Wollongong & Nowra Central facilities offering co location opportunities to multiple service providers Incorporates social ventures (Activity rooms, Café, Training/Conference rooms, Gym, Offices, workshop) Flexible to enable a broad range of inclusive activities
Community Hubs- Wollongong & Nowra
Community Gateway Wellbeing Services Case management model focussed on wellbeing and reablement: Client centred Client choice- flexibility and availability Team trained in case management principles Clients retain link with Case Manager Supporting individual goals
Partnerships Maintain & grow existing partnerships Explore new partnerships to ‘value add’ to client proposition Join consortiums to tender for specific opportunities Joint Venture aimed at cost efficiencies, driving quality, more competitive approach to funding opportunities
Challenges Time– juggling massive change placing enormous pressure on resources and in particular the team Change fatigue Cultural Change – team adjusting or not? Uncertainty–crystal balling what the new world will look like and expect from us as a provider Restructure was difficult Work within existing limited resources
Tips Embrace change/look for the opportunities Don’t leave it too late Incorporate good change management practices Involve your team Empower and support your champions Consult, consult, consult Keep a level head Set a clear vision and focus on it Do not lose heart, there will be setbacks Reflect often
Our Journey Continues – Next Steps? Business plan progress review, outcomes – ongoing- monitor and measure- disciplines Flexible, do more of what works and throw out what didn’t work! Undertaking independent review
“Community Gateway Client Centred Culture” Strategy Maximise Client Outcomes Diversify Strengthen Organisation Understand our existing and potential clients – who are they and what are their needs and wants. Partners 2. Establish Client-Centred Strategy and Action Plan. What business are we in and what is our total customer value proposition? GC Team CG Team 5. Align our people – educate and provide processes and skills to deliver total client value. Clients and Community 3. Align Structure – what is the most appropriate structure for delivering client value. 4. Align our processes to deliver our total client value proposition. Systems & Processes Structure CG Team 6. Establish Feedback & Measurement. Provide regular feedback in order to continuously improve on total client value proposition and strategic direction. Partners “A Process of Continuous Improvement”
Craig Thomson, CEO craig.thomson@communitygateway.net.au