What We Will Be Working on: Greetings from Kindergarten and First Grade! Week of: October 3rd- 7th What We Will Be Working on: Reader’s Workshop: K- Students will read favorite storybooks; 1st grade– Students will double check their reading Writer’s Workshop: K – Writers will think of new ideas for writing; 1st grade- Writers will add characters to their stories Literacy Groups: Students will learn short e, participate in centers including guided reading. Math: K- Students will take their mid module assessment. 1st grade – Students will learn how to use the equal sign in different parts of the number sentence. Character: Students will focus on the C in BRICK for Contribution. Important Dates: October 5th – Half Day PD (12:00 dismissal); $1 Dress down day October 14th – Spirit Day-Unity Day (wear orange) October 25th- PTO Meeting, 6:00 PM Sight Words Sight words will be going home starting in October. Sight words are key in your child’s reading success. Please practice sight words each night for about 5- 10 minutes. This can be done in flashcards, rainbow writing, word hunt etc. How to Contact Us! Mrs. Jacobs- hawlk001@hartfordschools.org Mrs. Belair- belal001@hartfordschools.org Ms. Bruno- Alexandra.bruno@hartfordschools.org Created by: The Little Ladybug Shop