April W H A T W E A R E L E A R N I N G T H I S W E E K . . . Name: NEWS & NOTES First Grade WEEK OF: 3-7, 2017 Reading Your money should be paid if you are planning on going to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History on April 11. Student admission price is $8. Please send your child’s money if you haven’t already. Read from Raz Kids or other books 15 minutes each night. We are concentrating on fluency this week! Other homework will include Ed Puzzle. Poetry – Alliteration and Rhyming Work on Writing NOTES & REMINDERS FROM THE TEACHER: Poetry Math Fractions – Halves and Fourths Important Dates April 11 – Field Trip News About the field trip: Sack lunch (in a bag) no lunch boxes. Light sweater. Comfortable shoes (tennis shoes, sneakers) April 14 – No School Science W H A T W E A R E L E A R N I N G T H I S W E E K . . . Parts of a Plant – Comparing Leaves, Stems, and Roots Social Studies 4 Regions in Texas Culture STAY CONNECTED: Lunch: 11:10 - 11:40 Conference: 2:00-2:30 holmanp@cisd.net; delacruzc@cisd.net 817-252-2433/2435 SPELLING SKILL: SPELLING RULE EXAMPLES: Sight Words: Students will be picking 6 words from their data binders they need to work on. Vowel pairs: Final Stable Syllable Tumble, turtle, purple, candle, puzzle, angle, castle, giggle, little, apple