Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ! We gather Sunday at 9 a.m.(class), 10 a.m., 5 p.m., & Wednesday at 7 p.m. Check the bulletin for various announcements www.160thavechurch.com
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalms 46:10 NKJV
The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. (Proverbs 16:31 NKJV)
The Need & Value of Overseers
The Need and Value of Overseers One way we show our love to God Jn. 15:10, 14 Example of churches Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1 Necessary conclusion Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2 Satan Opposes God’s Plan By Introducing Other Plans I. Love, obey God A. Jn. 15:10, 14 The love that God is seeking from us is a love that obeys B. God has revealed His will, that His churches have overseers among them 1. examples of churches Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1 2. necessary conclusion of various statements Eph. 4:11; Acts 20:28 3. w/o a general command “All churches need elders” we understand this is the will of the L. C. Even if we didn’t understand “why” or if we did and thought we knew a better way—if we love God, we will follow His plan (in this case, God has revealed some of His purposes) D. Satan opposes God’s plan by persuading man to resent and reject God’s plan 1. Our church’s tradition is to . . . (ex 1 Tim. 3 a bishop must be. . .husband of one wife but today...) 2. I’ve had so many bad experiences. . . 3. I’ve seen ___ (another plan, arrangement) work 4. God doesn’t have to say “not to...” to all these plans because He has given His plan The Need and Value of Overseers
Satan Opposes God’s Plan By Promoting Disorder Set in order, what is lacking Ti. 1:5 Satan Opposes God’s Plan By Promoting Disorder II. Set in order what is lacking Ti. 1:5 A. Set in order 1. God has a long history of setting things in order for man’s benefit (six days of creation, days and seasons, family, gov’t, etc), so it is no surprise that He has an order for His churches. 2. Gk. epidiorthoo “to straighten further” is r/t Eng “orthodontist” “orthopedist” 3. some things were in order (saints united as a church, continue steadfast. . ., 2:1-2) but -- B. what is lacking 1. Paul did not appoint elders in Crete, as in Acts 14, so it is not an always a sin if a church does not have this in order. 2. With teaching and time, then typically men who lead in other areas of life are prepared to lead, and when men are qualified to lead in this way, a church has no right to ignore that. C. Satan opposes God’s plan by promoting disorder 1. reject the teaching that elders are qualified men (claim this all older men are leaders) 2. pressure to accept the leadership of men who are not qualified (friendship, frustration with lack of elders) 3. refusal to accept the leadership of men who are qualified (grudge from the past, jealousy, love to be preeminent, “don’t like to be told what to do,” complacent). The Need and Value of Overseers
Makes the best use of the talents of the mature 1 Cor. 12:14, 19 Eph. 4:11-12 * oversee the growth of a group * handle problems affecting all, some, or one * make various money decisions * change III. Makes the best use of the talents of the mature A. 1 Cor. 12:14, 19 All believers are equal in value to God but diversity has a purpose in God’s plan B. Heb. 5:12-14 1. for various reasons, not all Christians are equally knowledgeable, wise, experienced, mature 2. is it ideal for the least and most knowledgeable/mature to be spending their time in dealing with the same challenges and decisions among a church? C. God’s plan maximizes the gifts and influence of experienced, mature leaders Eph. 4:11-12 1. In Acts 6, the apostles admitted they could not be equally devoted to teaching and to serving tables 2. each of these is qualified to equip and edify for different reasons---only pastors are qualified by their experience and wisdom 3. Having ruled their home, they have gained the knowledge, wisdom, and maturity needed to-- a. oversee the growth of a group i. what do we all need to hear and learn together? first principles of God-salv [ch]-family, warn of error from culture, false religion, or brethren ii. what do specific age groups or individuals need to learn? iii. identify the potential of individuals and prepare them for that work (evangelist, pastor, teacher) iv. identify the strengths of mature men and women and direct them where their talents are most needed b. handle problems affecting all, some, or one (watch for common error, drifting or rebellion of one) c. make various money decisions (plans, urgent needs, church v individual) d. change (where meet? who will teach? evangelists? etc) D. Satan opposes God’s plan by distracting Christians so they do not bear fruit, per ability Mt. 13:22 a. how many men did not have time to become apt to teach because of the deceitfulness. . ., devoting themselves to their career (to satisfy unnecessary desires of self-wife-children, pride of achievement)? b. how many husbands and fathers did not rule well because of the pleasures. . ., devoting their time and their family’s time to activities that bear little fruit leaving little time for real fruit-bearing activities (regular family prayer-Bible reading-singing, time w/ brethren, serve elderly saints, host Bible studies, visit gospel meetings, etc)? The Need and Value of Overseers
Satan Opposes God’s Plan By Slowing Maturity Makes the best use of the talents of the mature 1 Cor. 12:14, 19 Heb. 5:12-14 Eph. 4:11-12 Satan Opposes God’s Plan By Slowing Maturity III. Makes the best use of the talents of the mature A. 1 Cor. 12:14, 19 All believers are equal in value to God but diversity has a purpose in God’s plan B. Heb. 5:12-14 1. for various reasons, not all Christians are equally knowledgeable, wise, experienced, mature 2. is it ideal for the least and most knowledgeable/mature to be spending their time in dealing with the same challenges and decisions among a church? C. God’s plan maximizes the gifts and influence of experienced, mature leaders Eph. 4:11-12 1. In Acts 6, the apostles admitted they could not be equally devoted to teaching and to serving tables 2. each of these is qualified to equip and edify for different reasons---only pastors are qualified by their experience and wisdom 3. Having ruled their home, they have gained the knowledge, wisdom, and maturity needed to-- a. oversee the growth of a group i. what do we all need to hear and learn together? first principles of God-salv [ch]-family, warn of error from culture, false religion, or brethren ii. what do specific age groups or individuals need to learn? iii. identify the potential of individuals and prepare them for that work (evangelist, pastor, teacher) iv. identify the strengths of mature men and women and direct them where their talents are most needed b. handle problems affecting all, some, or one (watch for common error, drifting or rebellion of one) c. make various money decisions (plans, urgent needs, church v individual) d. change (where meet? who will teach? evangelists? etc) D. Satan opposes God’s plan by distracting Christians so they do not bear fruit, per ability Mt. 13:22 a. how many men did not have time to become apt to teach because of the deceitfulness. . ., devoting themselves to their career (to satisfy unnecessary desires of self-wife-children, pride of achievement)? b. how many husbands and fathers did not rule well because of the pleasures. . ., devoting their time and their family’s time to activities that bear little fruit leaving little time for real fruit-bearing activities (regular family prayer-Bible reading-singing, time w/ brethren, serve elderly saints, host Bible studies, visit gospel meetings, etc)? Matt. 13:22 The Need and Value of Overseers
Satan Opposes God’s Plan By . . . Allows the less mature to grow at a natural pace Heb. 5:13-14 (1 Pet. 5:5) learning the first principles observing the results of the truth Satan Opposes God’s Plan By . . . beginning to discern good and evil putting off old habits putting on the new man gaining necessary knowledge and wisdom IV. Allows less experienced/mature saints to grow at a natural pace Heb. 5:13-14 A. those who unskilled, babes or those who not babes but have not exercised their senses... are in the process of learning the first principles, observing the results of the truth in their lives and in others, putting off old habits and putting on the new man, beginning to learn the meat of the word, being able to discern good and evil especially the more subtle areas. 1. Jesus trained the apostles in these areas before sending them into all the world 2. Their focus belongs on (the above) and not on the decisions or problems that involve an entire congregation a. that does not mean they should have no awareness or input---it just should not be their focus. b. when the younger can observe and discuss the decision-making of elders they have the best environment for growth. c. when there are not elders the younger should participate according to their ability and have the humility to submit themselves to the older in the process of decision-making (1 Pet. 5:5). B. Satan opposes God’s plan by 1. making all influence equal 1 Pet. 5:5 anyone can offer input but all input is not equal and the younger need to be most aware of that---this is a useful principle for men working together in business mtg. 2. puffing the novice up with pride (1 Tim. 3:6) 3. puffing anyone up with the love of preeminence (3 Jn. 9) “I will get my way or I’ll not participate” beginning to learn the meat of the word The Need and Value of Overseers
The Need & Value of Overseers Are you following the chief overseer? Turn to Christ Acts 2:38; Rom. 10:10 Return to Christ Acts 8:22; 1 Jn. 1:9 Abide in Christ John 15:7