Do You Do Well To Be Angry? Jonah 4:1-4
“But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry “But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry.” (Jonah 4:1, ESV)
“Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.”
Do we do well to be angry?
Do You Do Well To Be Angry Reasons For Our Anger Do You Do Well To Be Angry Jonah 4:1-4
Why do we get angry?
Righteous Indignation
Mark 3:1-5 “And as soon as he came near the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.” (Exodus 32:19, ESV)
Ephesians 5:5-6
Genesis 4:4-5
2 Chron. 26:16-19
2 Chron. 16:7-10
Are we right to be angry?
Do You Do Well To Be Angry Results Of Our Anger Do You Do Well To Be Angry Jonah 4:1-4
Why should we be cautious with anger?
James 1:20
Genesis 4:6-8
1 Samuel 19:9-10 “Then Saul’s anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman, do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom shall be established. Therefore send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die.” Then Jonathan answered Saul his father, “Why should he be put to death? What has he done?” But Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him. So Jonathan knew that his father was determined to put David to death.” (1 Samuel 20:30–33, ESV)
Proverbs 29:22 “For pressing milk produces curds, pressing the nose produces blood, and pressing anger produces strife.” (Proverbs 30:33, ESV)
Proverbs 14:17 “A man of great wrath will pay the penalty, for if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again.” (Proverbs 19:19, ESV)
2 Cor. 12:20
Hindered Prayers
1 Timothy 2:8
Galatians 5:20-21 “On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” (Colossians 3:6–8, ESV)
Do you control your anger or is it controlling you?
Do You Do Well To Be Angry Resolving Our Anger Do You Do Well To Be Angry Jonah 4:1-4
How do we control our anger?
Ephesians 4:26-27
1 Corinthians 13:5 “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,” (Exodus 34:6, ESV)
Romans 12:18-21
James 1:19-20
“The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.” (Proverbs 12:16) “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” (Proverbs 14:29, ESV) “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” (Proverbs 19:11, ESV)
“Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” (Proverbs 16:32)
“A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.” (Proverbs 29:11)
“Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” (Psalm 37:8) “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” (Ephesians 4:31, ESV)
Do You Do Well To Be Angry? Jonah 4:1-4
“Anger isn’t always wrong. But it is always dangerous.” ““Now his older son was in the field, and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him,” (Luke 15:25–28, ESV)
Are you letting anger rob you of God’s blessings?