EU Policy Update October 2016 5 5 EU Policy Update October 2016 Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti Poverty Network
Outline The Context – The EU in crisis 5 5 Outline The Context – The EU in crisis State of the Union speech and Bratislava Road Map Other policy developments – Employment and Social EAPN Action Social Pillar next steps BREXIT – what implications/what’s our approach?
The Context: EU crisis continues… 5 5 The Context: EU crisis continues… GREXIT: New threat of GREXIT.Troka visit 16 Oct to tackle 330bn Eu debt, with talk of 4th bailout. IMF says recovery impossible without debt forgiveness. MIGRATION: 90% reduction of refugees/migrants to Greece, but squalid conditions + delay in admin support for asylum applications. Increased numbers to Italy/Spain. HUNGARIAN REFERENDUM: 98% vote against EU migrant quotas but invalid because less than 50% vote. (2 Oct) EUROPEAN COUNCIL CONCULSIONS ON MIGRATION: protecting external borders, revising Schengen, preventing illegal migration from Africa, implementing EU-Turkey pact, but can’t deliver. (Oct) BREXIT: Leave vote won, Cameron resigned. New PM Theresa May won’t start Article 50 until March. EU defends 4 freedoms. Fears of knock on effects across the EU. SECURITY & TERRORISM: Top priority in Junckers’ State of the Union Address and in the Council’s Bratislave Road Map.
State of the Union speech 5 5 State of the Union speech State of Union speech on 14 Sept sets out Juncker’s priorities for next period. See here EU in “existential crisis” with “the risk of fragmentation”; “high risks of high unemployment and social inequality….as well as huge challenge of integrating refugees”. EU must be “a world leader when it comes to the fight for human rights and fundamental values”… 5 priorities – A Europe that protects, preserves EU way of life, empowers, defends, takes responsibility Key Actions: Doubling Investment Fund, Investment Plan for Africa, free wifi by 2020, new EU border/coast guard.. But little on protects and social rights (EPSR)…
Bratislava Declaration and Road Map 5 5 Bratislava Declaration and Road Map EU Ministers met 16 September to set out road map follow up, linked to State of the Union. See here Make a success of EU 27, and find common solutions, being clear about subsidiarity. Migration: stop uncontrolled flows, control borders, and deliver common EU migration policy Internal and External Security: increased cooperation and border checks, stop radicalisation; EU plan: security + defence. Economic and Social Development: EFSI, deepen single market, more open trade deals, youth unemployment follow up Next meeting: Malta, March 2017 – Anniversary Ty of Rom.
Other Policy Developments - Employment 5 5 Other Policy Developments - Employment Work-Life Balance : A second-stage consultation with social partners was launched in July 2016 (till 30 September); the approach is still very narrow – getting more women into employment. Social and labour market integration of refugees and asylum-seekers: The Commission launched a repository of promising practices of labour market integration and social inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees across EU Member States. You can submit a good practice here. Platform on Undeclared Work: Intergovernmental initiative, involving mostly labour inspectorates, launched earlier this year; first plenary meeting in October; priorities of for 2017-2018: cooperation and joint action, mutual learning, increasing knowledge; upcoming: study of bogus self-employment; seminar on holistic approaches to tackle undeclared work; national seminar in Sweden; mutual assistance project in Romania. Mobility Package: Rather than the announced package, only revision of the Posting of Workers Directive, ongoing; difficult discussions on fair remuneration; recent European Parliament report on social dumping in Europe.
Other Policy Developments – EAPN Action 5 5 Other Policy Developments – EAPN Action Mid-Term Review Multiannual Financial Framework: Commission Communication published Sept 2016. See here. 13bn more for jobs, particularly youth, growth, migration, security. COM proposal by Dec 2017. EESC new Opinion: EU Funding Effectiveness to fight poverty – Led by K Balon. EAPN working with rapporteur, and spoke in 2nd hearing on 4th October. Calling for new integrated fund to fight poverty. Youth Guarantee: in October, Commission Communication highlights main achievements of the Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). See here. Considered a success based on numbers – still no quality indicators, provisions against creaming, integrated support etc. New Skills Agenda for Europe: Launched this June, to improve the supply and relevance of skill provision in the EU, according to labour market needs; so far, the only concrete initiative has been the launch of a Europass CV template European Education, Training, and Youth Forum took place in Brussels on October 20-21, dedicated to the New Skills Agenda for Europe; EAPN in civil society dialogue with DG Education and Culture
EAPN Action – Alliances and Other Initiatives 5 5 EAPN Action – Alliances and Other Initiatives Energy Poverty / Vulnerable Consumers – Participation in meetings, feedback to cluster. EAPN in EPC Task Force: Energy Poverty-Oct 19 on financial means. MEP Meszerics / Rapporteur: Energy poverty handbook, EAPN wrote opening chapter and good practices from EAPN cluster. Published in December. Roma Inclusion – Continued participation in the civil society ad-hoc coalition, members of the email cluster kept informed; 10th European Roma Platform to take place on 29-30 November in Brussels. Social Platform – Participation in Task Forces (social standards, services, EU funding, civil dialogue, human rights), Steering Group, and thematic ad-hoc meetings. Living Wage Campaign: Webpage on the EAPN website, Facebook page, logo (translated in 5 languages), 2-page leaflet (in translation). AlterSummit: Upcoming participation in their conference on 25-26 November; EAPN speaks in a workshop on Services, presenting our work and the paper; details here. Investing in Children Alliance: participates in meetings/activities – latest Statement on children’s rights in EPSR to October Council.
European Pillar on Social Rights - Update 5 5 European Pillar on Social Rights - Update National Consutation Process: national meetings in MS organized by Connect with European Semester Officers with EAPN participation. EU: Commission DG EMPL stakeholder dialogue meetings (2) EAPN gives intervention on new ways of work. High level Events with EP and other stakeholders: eg with Greens, 20 October – S+D; Eurodiaconia, Coface, ETUI etc; DG research event. White paper, linked to deepening of EMU early 2017. Emerging messages: Commission is trying to damp down expectations of major changes, however Ruth Passermans/Thyssen’s cabinet last week said: 3 key reasons for EPSR: improve social welfare, economic arguments that inequality is counter-productive and political: for Presidents to reconnect with citizens. Basic principles for all, including migrants Upward social convergence for all MS but particularly Eurozone Legal base: Article 153, but possibility of legal benchmarks in Eurozone. Benchmarks should feed into European Semester, but more social. .
EAPN Actions and Next Steps 5 5 EAPN Actions and Next Steps Nov 2015: People Experiencing Poverty meeting: fed into the EC Communication. June 2016: EAPN Conference debate with members and Commission/European Parliament rapporteur and stakeholders. July-September: Consultation with EAPN members on consultation response and draft position paper. Sept – Contribution to Social Platform consultation response. October 2016: Position paper: Last Chance for Social Europe finalized and consultation response submitted. National and EO member responses. Oct 2016: meetings with DG ECFIN, Employment, EMCO, SPC, EP. Sept-Oct 2016 – input and amendments to EP opinion: rapporteur Maria Joao Rodrigues, and with shadows. November 2016: People Experiencing Poverty meeting – further input.
EAPN Actions – What now? What priorities should we focus on? 5 5 EAPN Actions – What now? What priorities should we focus on? What advocacy and other actions at national level? What advocacy actions at EU level? What alliances?
BREXIT – Opportunity or Threat? 5 5 BREXIT – Opportunity or Threat? What are the implications of BREXIT? What are the threats and opportunities to the EU? What does it mean for EAPN? How should we respond? Internally and externally What alliances can we work with? See Post-Brexit Alliance: EAPN joins statement with 177 organizations on a new Europe for people, planet and prosperity for all: Preparing action for the 60th Anniversary of Treaty of Rome?
Thank you for your attention! 5 5 Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator