Year 2 General Information Autumn Curriculum Newsletter


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Presentation transcript:

Year 2 General Information Autumn Curriculum Newsletter WELCOME BACK! This term there are lots of enjoyable learning opportunities to look forward to. Our main topic this term in Animals and Living things. We are looking forward to a great half term. Mrs. Sefton and Mrs. McCulloch PE lessons are on Monday & Thursday. Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school. Reading books: your child’s book should be brought into school every day. Your child should be reading at least 10 minutes each night. Homework Maths or Literacy homework will be given out on a Thursday to be returned to school on a Monday morning. Spelling will be sent home Monday and the children will be tested Friday. If there are any issues with your child’s homework, please feel free to come and see me. Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is open every morning from 8:00 until 8:45. If you have any issues at any point throughout the year, please feel free to contact me at anytime.

What will we be working on this half term? Subject Outline Literacy Recounts – writing about events in order using time connective Narrative –Giraffes Writing stories using this book as our guide Non-chronological report Writing reports on Giraffes. Riddles Writing riddles about animals Numeracy Number and Place Value To count in 2,3 & 5 from 0 and in 10 from any number. Recognise the value of each digit in a 2 digit number Compare and order numbers from 0-100 using <> and = Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words Science Living things and their habitats I can explore and compare things that are living, dead and never been alive. I can map a habitat and identify what is in it. I can describe how animals get their food. History Significant Individuals I can explain who Charles Darwin is and why he is important. I cam research information on Charles Darwin and write a information booklet. Geography Safari Animals – Africa I can locate Kenya on a world map and use compass directions I can understand what life is like in Kenya and compare it to my life I can understand the animals that live in Kenya PE Basketball RE Mission Statement What does it mean to me? Beginnings Children will look closely at the creation of the world. Signs & Symbols Children will discuss the different signs and symbols we use in church Art Colour Chaos I can make a collage in primary colours I can colour mix I can create a painting using warm and cool colours Music Singing In my hands, in my feet, in my heat - Listening, Appraising, Performing SEAL New Beginnings – discuss new beginnings and how we feel when starting something new.