Eleventh Meeting Moscow, Russian Federation 8 April 2016 FSI "National Research Center for Preventive Medicine“ of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation NCD EG work plan for 2016-2017: proposals by the NCD from the Russian Federation experts group Marina Popovich - chair of RF-NCD expert group, M.D., Ph.D. Head of the Department of integrated preventive programs, National Research Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the RF In turn I’d like to greet all the participants of the meeting. Before I introduce our suggestions for the Northern Dimension Partnership, let me say a few words about our cent. Eleventh Meeting Moscow, Russian Federation 8 April 2016
Welcome to the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation History of NRCPM Director, Institute of Therapy, famous internist and cardiologist A.L. Myasnikov (1948 – 1965) He has initiated first epidemiological investigations of CVD in the country He was the first to initiate a group and then a Department of CVD epidemiology at the Institute. Major work was devoted to cardiovascular diseases (hypertension , atherosclerosis , coronary insufficiency) We are located in a very nice and quite an old building which was constructed in 1912 for the first Lutheran male school (boys studied mathematics, German, French and Russian languages, religion, Latin and so on). Institute of Therapy (later Preventive cardiology) was located here in 1936 . The first leader of this Institute was famous cardiologist Alexandr Myasnikov, whose monument you can see in front of entering our Center. For the first time under his leadership a group and later a department of CVD epidemiology was created. First epidemiological studies on ischemic heart disease were initiated by A.L. Myasnikov also. Major work was devoted to cardiovascular diseases (hypertension , atherosclerosis , coronary insufficiency)
FSI "National Research Center for Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation History of NRCPM Center a leading scientific research institute the field of preventive medicine was founded 28 years ago by E.Chazov, the Minister of Healthcare of the USSR of that time Professor R.G. Oganov the first director of the Institute of Preventive Cardiology (later the Center for Preventive Medicine) All-Union Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the USSR was established in 1988 on the basis of the Institute of Preventive Cardiology by E.Chazov, the Minister of Healthcare of the USSR of that time and Professor R.G. Oganov became the first director of the Institute of Preventive Cardiology (later the Center for Preventive Medicine), and was the head of it for nearly 25 years The center became a leading institution in the Soviet Union and then in Russia studying the problems of epidemiology of cardiovascular and other NCD, developing policies, strategies, and evidence-based programs for their prevention, as well as performing staff training. Most of the works were at high priority of the USSR, whereas some were performed under the international projects with the WHO and individual countries (the USA, France, Germany, and Finland). Epidemiology of cardiovascular and other non-communicable diseases Development of policies, strategies, and evidence-based programs for NCD prevention Staff trainings
NRCPM today FSI "National Research Center for Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation NRCPM today Director of the Center Sergey A. Boytsov Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Chief Specialist in Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Conduct epidemiological monitoring of the major risk factors of NCD Establish and introduce new methods and organizational forms of primary and secondary prevention of chronic NCD Development and implementation of an action strategies to create a common preventive environment in Russia Today, the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine solves crucial tasks of preserving and enhancing the health of Russian population and reducing morbidity as well as mortality due to major chronic NCD. Our staff conduct epidemiological monitoring of the major risk factors of NCDs, establish and introduce new methods and organizational forms of primary and secondary prevention of chronic NCD, and involved in developing and implementing action strategies to create a common preventive environment in Russia. The Center has a strong clinical and diagnostic base with the most modern equipment. Center provides specialized, high-tech medical care for patients: endovascular methods of treatment, treatment of cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorders.
FSI "National Research Center for Preventive Medicine" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation 27.05.2015 NRCPM today: WHO Collaborating Center on Development and Implementation of Non-communicable Disease Prevention Policy and Programs 1. Capacity building for and dissemination of NCD preventive programs in Russia 2. Contribution to the realization of the WHO Global Action Plan and European Action Plan on prevention of NCD 3. Translation and adaptation of major WHO documents in the field of NCD prevention and health promotion in Russian and their dissemination in CIS countries 4. Facilitation of implementation of NCD prevention and health promotion programs in CIS countries Term of references our WHO Collaborating Center are: 1. Capacity building for and dissemination of NCD preventive programs in Russia 2. Contribution to the realization of the WHO Global Action Plan and European Action Plan on prevention of NCD 3. Translation and adaptation of major WHO documents in the field of NCD prevention and health promotion in Russian and their dissemination in CIS countries 4. Facilitation of implementation of WHO NCD prevention and health promotion programs in CIS countries From this perspective , fulfilling all our items as well as guided WHA resolutions ,
Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies (Resolution WHA67 Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies (Resolution WHA67.12) Plan of Action on Health in All Policies (PAHO, Resolution 68.17) 27.05.2015 Principles Legitimacy Accountability Transparency Participation Sustainability Collaboration Components Establish the need and priorities for HiAP Frame planned action Identify supportive structures and processes Facilitate assessment and engagement Ensure monitoring, evaluation, and reporting Build capacity Translation of the documents of Helsinki Conference "Health in All Policies" Publication of the documents in the Russian journal "Preventive medicine" From this perspective , fulfilling all our items as well as guided WHA resolutions , we have translated into Russian and distributed the document to the 11 CIS countries . We have developed and sent to each country questionnaire on the implementation of HiAP principles in their countries , the results of this survey were discussed at the round table with the participation of representatives of the WHO , GUO , CIS countries , the Ministry of Health. Then, work on the analysis of some of NCD prevention programs in the context of the HiAP principles was continued at a technical meeting on AAS/ Health in All Policies in Geneva in January this year. The overall purpose of the technical meeting was to review progress on implementing Resolution WHA67.12. Mailout of the electronic version of the documents to the specialists-experts in 11 CIS countries Study and analysis of the opinions from the experts in CIS countries about the benefits of the documents for development of the programmes on health promotion and NCD prevention
Roundtable "The role of inter-sectoral collaboration in prevention of non- communicable diseases and population health promotion on country, regional and municipal levels" based on the principles of the Helsinki statement "Health in All Policies: Framework for Country Action» 27.05.2015 THE FINAL CONCLUSION "Promoting for social and economic development: sustainable intersectoral action on health promotion and equity in healthcare (implementing decisions of the eighth Global conference on health promotion)“ (Following the decisions of the Sixty-eighth session of the World Health Assembly A68/17) Participants of the roundtable appreciate the practical significance of the document “Principle of Health in All Policies” (HiAP) for development of programs for health promotion and disease prevention in CIS countries. The roundtable participants noted the need for development of an evaluation system, target setting and monitoring in line with the principles of HiAP. This process could be facilitated and coordinated through the WHO Regional Office in Europe, the newly developed Geographically Dispersed Office in Moscow on NCDs with involvement of the relevant WHO Collaborating Centers in Russia, in particular NRCPM. The results of this survey were discussed at the round table with the participation of representatives of the WHO , GDOs , CIS countries , the Ministry of Health. Representatives of the CIS countries presented their experience in the field of a cross- sectoral collaboration for NCD prevention. And at the final conclusion participants noted that : Participants of the roundtable appreciate the practical significance of the document “Principle of Health in All Policies” (HIAP) for development of programs for health promotion and disease prevention in CIS countries. The roundtable participants noted the need for development of an evaluation system, target setting and monitoring in line with the principles of HIAP. This process could be facilitated and coordinated through the WHO Regional Office in Europe, the newly developed Geographically Dispersed Office in Moscow on NCDs with involvement of the relevant WHO Collaborating Centers in Russia, in particular NRCPM. After that, work on the analysis of some of NCD prevention programs in the context of the principles of HiAP was continued at a technical meeting in Geneva in January this year. (Technical Meeting on AAS/ Health in All Policies WHO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 19-20 January 2016) The overall purpose of the technical meeting was to review progress on implementing Resolution WHA67.12. Expected Outcomes Barriers and opportunities for AAS/HiAP work at the country level AAS/HiAP course curriculum Meeting challenges to the tool application at the country level .
National multisectoral strategy of NCD prevention and control in the Russian Federation (2016-2025) Main goal : To reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases through the establishment of a common preventive environment through inter-agency cooperation between all sectors of government, layers and structures of society, including health, other ministries, agencies and services, employers, public organizations, representatives of religious denominations and other groups Also our center together with the Ministry of Health and WHO EURO, GDOs (in close cooperation) have started to develop national multisectoral strategy of NCD prevention and control in Russia harmonized with the WHO Global action plan. Main goal of strategy is: To reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases through the establishment of a common preventive environment through inter-agency cooperation between all sectors of government, layers and structures of society, including health, other ministries, agencies and services, employers, public organizations, representatives of religious denominations and other groups We attribute this in such detail in order to attract your attention and stimulate your interest to this matter
OUR PROPOSAL FOR A JOINT NDPHS PARTNERS’ PROJECT HiAP project Resolutions WHA 67.12/68.17 Global action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2013-2020 Action Plan accompanying the NDPHS Strategy 2020 National strategy of NCD prevention and control in the Russian Federation (2016-2025) OUR PROPOSAL FOR A JOINT NDPHS PARTNERS’ PROJECT RELATES TO WHO RESOLUTION WHA 67.12 ....
Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being Project title “HiAP principles implementation for promoting NCD programs in NDPHS countries at the national, regional and local levels” NDPHS/ NCD-EG Work plan 2016-2017 Suggestions from Russian Federation-NCD-Team: Boytsov S Popovich M Glasunov I Lopatina M Zabina H and now let me enlarge on our propousal ....
HiAP principles implementation for promoting NCD programs in NDPHS countries at the national, regional and local levels Overall objective: To assess and strengthen the implementation of HiAP principles in NCD programs in NDPHS countries Assessment of the current situation Capacity assessment Identification of the best practices Formulation of the recommendations Main activities Specific objectives: Development and implementation of a methodology for assessing implementation of the HiAP principles. Identification of the best practices for interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of NCD prevention and control and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle with evidence-based results. Strengthening the measures for NCD prevention and control and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle by strengthening and promoting interagency approach. Assessment of the baseline situation on interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of NCD prevention and control and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle and their effectiveness. Assessment of opportunities, identification of barriers for implementation of the HiAP principles. Identification of the best practices for interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation in NCD prevention and control and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle with evidence-based results. Identification and formulation of recommendations for the promotion of the HiAP principles.
HiAP principles implementation for promoting NCD programs in NDPHS countries at the national, regional and local levels Expected results Methodology of implementation assessment of the HiAP principles (Guide) Clear understanding of the situation analysis for the implementation of HiAP principles Identified opportunities Identified barriers Strengthen NCD prevention and control measures and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle by promoting interagency approach Bank of the best practices Strategic plan Expected results Methodology of implementation assessment of the HiAP principles Clear understanding of the situation analysis for the implementation of HiAP principles Identified opportunities and barriers for implementation of HiAP principles Bank of the best practices on interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of NCD prevention and control Strategic plan to strengthen NCD prevention and control measures and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle by promoting interagency approach It’s just general directs of the project and more detail plan will be developed in near future.
JOINT PROTOCOL CAN BE DISCUSSED AND DEVELOPED HiAP principles implementation for promoting NCD programs in NDPHS countries at the national, regional and local levels Summary WE CONSIDER IT AS AN IMPORTANT AND SUITABLE ITEM FOR JOINT INVESTIGATION AND DEVELOPMENT BY NDPHS PARTNERS JOINT PROTOCOL CAN BE DISCUSSED AND DEVELOPED IF THE PROJECT CAN BE SATISFACTORY DEVELOPED IT CAN HAVE CONTINUATION IN THE YEARS BEYOND 2017 It’s just general directs of the project and more detail plan will be developed in near future. I should repeat once more : we are thinking about jointly developed and satisfying the developers project.
Thank you for attention Assessment of HiAP Principles Implementation Estimated results Thank you for attention Methodology of implementation assessment of the HiAP principles. Clear understanding of the situation analysis for the implementation of 6 HiAP principles in selected regions of the Russian Federation. Identified opportunities and barriers for implementation of HiAP principles. Bank of best practices on interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of NCD prevention and control and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle with evidence-based results. Strategic plan to strengthen NCD prevention and control measures and development of conditions for healthy lifestyle by strengthening and promoting interagency approach. Those are our thoughts on possibilities of our joint work and that’s all I wanted to say. If you have any questions our team and me will be glad to answer your questions. Thank you for attention