Holstein Tor The Holsten Gate ("Holstein Tor", later "Holstentor") is a city gate marking off the western boundary of the old center of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck. This Brick Gothic construction is one of the relics of Lübeck’s medieval city fortifications and the only remaining city gate, except for the Citadel Gate ("Burgtor"). Because its two round towers and arched entrance are so well known it is regarded today as a symbol of this German city, and together with the old city centre (Altstadt) of Lübeck.
Frage des Tages Er muss zum Arzt gehen, ____ er wieder Rückenschmerzen hat. a) denn b) darum c) weil
Objective Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of Autoteile vocabulary with a 75% or higher accuracy rate.
Order of Events Autoteile vocab. quiz Auto advertisements Intro adverbs
Adverbs Adverbs are words which describe the action of a verb, adjectives, or other adverbs: They show how, when and where things happen – e.g. “quickly”, “often”, “outside”. You can usually recognize an adverb in English because it ends in “-ly” – eg. “happily”, “regularly”, “completely”.
Adverbs Adverbs typically express some relation of place, time, manner, cause, inference, result, condition, exception, concession, purpose, means or even negation. Adverbs can be found before or after verbs. The German negative nicht is an adverb.
Adverbs Most adjectives can be used as adverbs without adding a suffix. In fact, when such adjectives are used as adverbs they have no endings at all: Anna is a healthy woman (= adjective) Anna ist eine gesunde Frau. “Metropolis” is a good film (=adjective). “Metropolis” ist ein guter Film.
Adverbs Adverbs can express time (often, later), place (there), attitude and manner (gladly, hopefully), or negation. Adverbs of Time: evening – abends, soon – bald, at that time – damals, never – nie, etc… Adverbs of Place: there – da/dort, outside – draußen, inside – drinnen, over there – dadrüben, here – hier, etc….
Adverbs Adverbs of Manner: please – bitte, thanks – danke, happily – fröhlich, gladly – gern, hardly – kaum, yes – ja, no – nein, luckily – glücklich, etc….