West Midlands AAC CEN Wednesday 15/11/17 9.30am – 3.30pm Provisional programme This CEN could be of interest to people working with clients with developmental AAC needs eg children & adults with a learning disability, plus people with acquired brain injury and complex needs/emerging skills. All welcome! ACT/NHS England update Parallel pathways to the use of Voice out put communication aid for people with complex needs. Claire Hayward OT ACT Sandra Thistlethwaite of Inclusive Technology: Resources/products for developing access and control skills Goal setting in AAC for people with complex needs, Ellie Taylor SLT Feedback from Communication Matters, by CEN members who attended. “My top 3 picks”. Volunteers needed please contact Terri to make your offer. To book places contact terri.kelly@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk 0121 466 3050 Cost: Free for Members Membership for 1 year £5 Please pass on the invitation to colleagues Venue ACT B29 6JA