Physiotherapy in the Community Wendy White Physiotherapy Advanced Practitioner Edinburgh Community Respiratory Team
Access to Community Physiotherapy Services GP Referral to physio@home St Roque Building,Astley Ainslie Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team Leith Community Treatment Centre Gracemount Leisure Centre Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre Craigmillar
Physiotherapy for Bronchiectasis Chest Clearance Pulmonary Rehabilitation Management of Breathlessness Management of Exacerbations
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Improved: exercise capacity breathlessness muscle strength psychological well being daily activities and quality of life survival use of healthcare resources BTS 2013
Chest Clearance Hydration Exercise and position change Active Cycle of Breathing Autogenic Drainage Accapella Flutter PEP
Active Cycle of Breathing
Autogenic Drainage
Accapella and Flutter
Cough: Friend or Foe?
Cough Inhibition Allow 2-3 coughs maximum Close mouth Swallow Breathe gently through nose Sip fluid (cold/warm) Lozenges Frozen green grapes Dark chocolate (high % cocoa solids)