2016 Fall OpenStax class ABAC : EUNKYUNG YOU
2016 Fall: College algebra classes OpenStax Class Other two classes Number of students 24 70 Withdraw 1 3 D or F 13 Passing rate 83.3% 77%
Web-assign and MyMathLab Students results Openstax(web-assign) Other (MyMathLab) 90% - 100% 33.3 % 37.3% 80% - 90% 37.5% 22.3% 70% - 80% 8.33% 14.92% 60% - 70% 4.16% 7.5% 50% - 60% 3% Below 50% 12.5% 15%
Final Exam Assessment Outcome 1: Students shall demonstrate the ability to graph, compute with, and solve application problems with the set of real numbers, and be able to use the basic field properties to simplify expressions and solve problems. correct Open source class The other classes 79.4% 70.6%
Final Exam Assessment Outcome 2: Students shall graph and operate with 14 basic functions including +, -, *, /, composition translations, reflections over the axes and over the line y = x, and graphing transformations, and shall demonstrate the ability to use the field properties of identities, inverses, and commutativity for these operations correct Open source class The other classes 86% 75.1%
Final Exam Assessment Outcome 3: Students shall demonstrate the ability to use the remainder theorem, factor theorem, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to solve polynomial and rational equations and inequalities. correct Open source class The other classes 84.9% 77.5%
Final Exam Assessment Outcome 4: Students shall determine coordinates and interpret uses for the following functional notations: zeros, relative maximums, relative minimums, and intervals of increasing or decreasing values. correct Open source class The other classes 84.9% 74.2%
Final Exam Assessment correct Open source class The other classes Outcome 5: Students shall use a graphing calculator to model real life problems with functions by organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and making inferences from ordered pairs of data. This will include modeling with both polynomial and exponential regression analysis and use of correlation coefficients; using symmetry, vertical and horizontal asymptotes; and writing clear, logical, and concise solutions to problems correct Open source class The other classes 71.9% 62.9%
Final Exam Assessment Outcome 6: Students shall use exponential and logarithmic functions, solve exponential and logarithmic equations, and solve application problems using exponential and logarithmic functions. correct Open source class The other classes 84.9% 74.5%
Survey about textbook (agree or strongly agree percentage) The e-book gives me good explanation to understand the lesson on my own (60%) The e-book provides enough examples for me to understand the material (67%) I used the e-book regularly during the semester(40%) I have used my e-book to prepare for exams (60%) The e-book was easy to read and used mathematical terminology comparing my instructor’s terminology (60%) The e-book was easy to access and read on my phone (60%) The e-book was easy to access and read on my computer (67%)
Survey about Web-assign (agree or strongly agree percentage) It was easy to create and sign into a Web-Assign account (93%) It was easy to purchase Web-Assign(73%) It was easy to navigate and answer questions in Web-Assign(93%) Web-Assign helped me understand what I learned in class (80%) Web-Assign provided enough problems to prepare for in class quizzes and tests (80%) The Web-Assign provided helpful examples to solve problems (73%) Knowing that other students paid $130 for MyMathLab in other MATH 1111 courses, I am content with Web-Assign’s $35 price (73%)
Students’ comments "I enjoy not paying for a textbook" "It helped me out a lot in this course" "The free textbook made it easier to access the information whenever I needed it. I didn't have to always carry it around" "it provided me with the proper information must of the time. However, there were a few times I had trouble when looking for certain topic“ "overall. Web-assign was beneficial. However, there were several times that it would say that my answer would be wrong even though it is correct." " it made it easier to get because of the lower cost for almost the same material" "very good resource and study tool" ""really like the price, didn't feel as difficult as MyMahlab, but still some questions were too advanced"
My view Good Not so good Textbook Same contents but free Could not find some content (circle, polynomial inequalities, rational inequalities) Software Cheap Students can access easily from day one There are not many choice of problems yet.
Students 2016 Fall (open) High School 2016 Spring High school College Open Number of HS students 19 (24) 7 (27) 74 4 Exam 1 88.1 90 72.3 72.25 Exam 2 92 99 72 73.5 Exam 3 83 68.9 70.5 Exam 4 86.5 95.5 64 64.75 Exam 5 85.3 98 61.5 69.75 Final 85 68 72.5