Kmfri Library was established in the year 1979 to support research Acts as the national Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) input centre and ODINAFRICA
Library and data resources 2 main libraries in Kisumu (Freshwater and Inland) and Mombasa (Marine and Coastal). 5000 monographs, 180 periodical titles and grey literature Thousands of online journals, databases, e-repositories and e-resources through agreements and consortiums such as HINARI, AGORA, INASP, IAMSLIC, UN and other international bodies.
Bibliographic Databases Directories E-repository Inter-Library Cooperation Online Access ASFA Kenyan Waters Samaki DatabaseKenDir AfriDir GloDirOCEANDOCS IRAFR IAMSLICIAMSLIC ODINAFRICA AGORAHINARIOAREINASPDOAJ Dspace
Main concern is on preservation of books and other media. The KMFRI Library has nine staff whereby the organization structure gives each staff directions on how to perform the duties and responsibilities. We are working under ISO which was Launched in this year on the month of April 2012.
On preservation of book and other media we have implemented on Binding as a way of mending documents. We have digitized our documents but not up to date due to lack of equipments like Microfiche, Microfilm.
Equipment needs for KMFRI Library Vacuum tube, Microfilm and microfiche for conservation and preservation of Library items. Brush, Eraser powder, Sponge, Enough shelves, Video Cameras in order to digitize our documents to the standard. Large scanners for scanning big size documents.
Collection Needs: Books on Demand, Rare books, Journals and Pamphlets. Special collections and manuscripts. Maps, Photographs
Building Needs: The best Environmental condition e.g. Air conditioners, away from communication buriers, Humidity controller, Temperature controller. The system control for Safety :-Worning System for disaster incase of Fire, Extinguisher for suppression, Entrance and Exit paths, Sufficient windows. Proper roofing incase of leakages and enough space to serve the clients.
Recommendations: I should recommend our Library to improve on preservation of documents and other media and the need to allocate the budget for the right equipment in order to digitize our collection. Construct a suitable Library with good shelves depending on the depth and size of Materials. Practice on mending of books and a room for mending items. Need for in-house or workshop training.