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Tomislav Cvetko, dipl. ing. Owner / General manager Respected business partners, employees, friends, It is with great pride and honor that I can congratulate to us all 40 year of Oprema Uređaji d.d.! I feel great pride and honor to be a witness of what Oprema has become, both in Croatia and in the world. In the past 40 years Oprema has transformed itself from a small local company to a key world player in its field of business. There were many factors for this amazing achievement, but I would like to emphasize two; employees and quality. Employees are the ones who can make the decided difference. Their motivation, personal and professional growth, ever-growing know-how is just a few points that helped Oprema become what it is today. Quality is what enabled us to conquer international market. And once we did, it kept us there. Quality over quantity was always a motto in Oprema and with that in mind, now after 40 years, our products are years in front. I can honestly and firmly say, we will continue on this path. Further modernization of the factory, developments of new products, implementation of environmental and green energy solutions will continue as planned. Our priority, with all already mentioned, will be to continue satisfying our customer needs. With this in mind, thank you. Tomislav Cvetko, dipl. ing. Owner / General manager Page 1
CONTENT 1. About us 2. Quality 3. Structure 4. Business Page 1
COMPANY PROFILE Company name: Oprema Uređaji d.d. Adress: Koprivnička 23 42230 Ludbreg, Croatia Contact: tel: 00385 42 819 181 fax: 00385 42 819 182 web: e-mail:
COMPANY PROFILE Company name: Oprema Intercom d.o.o. (sister company) Address: Gospodarska 3, 42202 Trnovec, Croatia Contact Tel: 00385 42 683 373 Fax: 00385 42 683 395 Web: E-mail:
COMPANY PROFILE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT 1948. - year Oprema was founded 1976. - production of catering equipment (with 15 employees) started 1992. - company was 100 % privatized 1998. - year Oprema Uredjaji was awarded with the certificate ISO 9001:1994 2003. - year Oprema Intercom d.o.o. was founded 2007. - year Oprema Uredjaji was awarded with the certificate ISO 14001:2004 2010. - Number of employees – Oprema Uređaji d.d.: 140 Oprema Intercom d.o.o.: 23 2012. - Expansion and complete reorganization of the production program into Lean 2014. - New investment circle, expansion, modernization 2015. - New quality and safety standards implemented: BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 22000:2005
COMPANY PROFILE RANGE, STRATEGY,... Primary process is production of cooling and dispensing units for all drinks, with special focus on beer. We base our 40 years of work in this industry on persistence, accumulated knowledge, excelent quality and fair partnership relations. Product range: Units for beer, water, wine, juices, premix, postmix, tubes,… Panel production program - Product range also includes cooling cabinets, cooling containers, keg coolers, bars,... Mission: To produce quality and modern dispensing and catering equipment which will satisfy every costumers need! Vision: To become number one manufacturer in our field regarding quality!
QUALITY Policy of quality, environmental, occupational health, occupational safety, safety at work and safety of products and components that are in direct contact with beverages are the foundation of the business process management in Oprema uređaji d.d. With constant improvement of quality and safety of our products and a partnership approach to our satisfied customer we opted for the implementation of the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 22000:2005 as integrated system.
MODERN OPREMA Modernly equipped production, highly educated and motivated employees and following and setting trends in our industry are facts that put us in the top of our field of business. With that, we decided to tie our business growth with our personal growth regarding ecology and energy efficiency. OPREMA Uređaji d.d. now works with it’s internal “Green menifest” which directs companies working procedures towards “green” technological solutions and rational energy usage; in production and in usage.
DISTRIBUTION distributer/zastupnik predstavništvo direktna prodaja
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