Welcome to Miss Casselli’s First Grade TO DO: Solve your child’s puzzle 2. Take a selfie 3. Write a note to your child on the 2nd page **The picture frame is for you!
Agenda 7:00-7:20- Meet your teacher *Move to Dining Room* 7:20-7:40- Reading at Home 7:40-8:00- First Grade 411
About Me Born & raised in Doylestown, PA Family, Traveling & Friends 3rd year in Central Bucks 2 years in 3rd grade ESY Summer Program Penn State University Pre-K-4, minor in Special Education
Paw Pack Binder Reading & Math Resources Xtra Math Information Folder -Homework Menu -Homework Papers -Math Home Link -Reading Log
Homework Menu Your job as parents: Communicate HW problems & struggles Check that homework is done Set up an appropriate place to do homework Encourage independent reading
Teacher Website
Xtra Math www.xtramath.org
Xtra Math www.xtramath.org Importance: *Helps learn basic facts *Fact Fluency is an indicator on Progress Report
Everyday Math Practice and review XtraMath Small Group Setting Repeated exposure to skills XtraMath www.XtraMath.org Small Group Setting Based on pretest results
Writer’s Workshop Daily writing mini-lessons Journal Writing/weekend report Words Their Way Handwriting Mentor Sentences 5-Star I started each sentence with a capital letter. YES NO I spelled first grade words and word wall words right. YES NO I used finger spaces between words. YES NO I ended each sentence with punctuation. YES NO My sentences make sense. YES NO Did I write 5 STAR sentences?
Birthday wishes Create a picture slideshow or poster to share with the class* Wear slippers for the day Guest reader! Clearances? Enjoy a birthday dance from your class – Just Dance Bring in something that you are proud of and share it with the class Pick a classroom spirit day in your honor! *Must be teacher-approved (prior class favorite) Bring a stuffed animal to school Any other ideas – Email me!
Volunteers Needed Reminders Grade specific volunteers Clerical help Class specific volunteers Checking Journals Reading with students Working with small groups @CBSCasselli- Check it out! Water catchers Wednesday Folders Label all personal items Winter clothes Box Tops Wishlist & Newsletter- Coming soon! Thing we collect- Tennis balls & paper towels
Contact Information Email – scasselli@cbsd.org Best way to contact me! Please give me 24 hours to respond Dismissal Changes -Handwritten Notes -Call Titus Main Office
Our Schedule 7:00-7:20- Meet your teacher *Move to Dining Room* 7:20-7:40-Reading at Home 7:40-8:00- First Grade 411