11/1/11 BR: What big change occurred during the Neolithic revolution? How did it impact human development? Today: The Beginnings of Civilization -Hand in graphic organizer and summary statement -All late work due 11/7/11, 11:59PM
Important Ideas: Notes Hunter Gatherers Neolithic Revolution Slash and burn farming Domestication of animals - Yes, get this down in your notes!
Get a reading.. With a partner, Read and Complete the Organizer Early Advances in Technology and Art The Beginnings of Agriculture Villages Grow and Prosper
Summary Statement Around 40,000 BC humans began to undergo some big changes in the way they lived. First, _____. (explain) Next, ______. (explain) Lastly, _____. (explain
“Pick Your Tribe” Most prehistoric people lived in small groups. These people worked together for their individual and group benefit. (1 is the loneliest number..) Gather together in tribes of 4-5 Decide on a name for your tribe and your tribe’s “symbol” (prehistoric tribes couldn’t write yet) Decide on a leader Each tribe must complete the following activity. Tribal leader it is your job to make sure EVERY person in your tribe completes the activity
Tribal Activity Thing to Describe How do they get food Where do they live What do they do each day? Who Tells them what to do? People of Today Hunter Gatherers
The Tribe Must Survive! Scattered about the room are various facts cards about how Hunter-Gatherers lived. The fact cards cover the 4 areas of your chart: (1) Food, (2) Where they live (3) What they do during the day (4) Who tells them what to do. All tribes must “hunt” or “gather” all of the information from the different fact cards Every tribe member must transfer the information for the fact to their own chart
The Tribe Must Survive! Every member of the tribe must have This chart completed Thing to Describe How do they get food Where do they live What do they do each day? Who Tells them what to do? People of Today Hunter Gatherers