Bennett McInturff Human Rights in Jordan
Borders Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the West Bank Used to be a British Protectorate
Government Constitutional monarchy Prime Minister King Abdulla Parliament Prime Minister King Abdulla
Human Rights Violations Cruel and inhuman punishment Abusing governmental authority Excessive or unnecessary application of force Reports of severe beatings in prisons across the country
Jordanian Authority Public Security Department- for the people of Jordan, investigates unlawful acts including crimes inside the PD Police Department- Enforces laws and can investigate the PSD Corruption
Saddam Al Saoud October 17th, 2009 Arrested for fighting with another street vendor Police struck him in the head with a gun Transferred to a hospital where he later died Charges against several officers
Fakhri Kreishan Protected a fugitive and prevented his arrest when police entered Fakhri’s home in Ma’an Hit by police attempting to arrest a criminal Died two days later, November 14th, 2009 One officer tried
Syrian Refugees Reported that Jordanian Authorities were controlling border crossings with Syria Syrians shooting Syrians Water and Money