Using Ontologies to Quantify Attack Surfaces Mr. Michael Atighetchi, Dr. Borislava Simidchieva, Dr. Fusun Yaman, Raytheon BBN Technologies Dr. Thomas Eskridge Dr. Marco Carvalho Florida Institute of Technology Captain Nicholas Paltzer Air Force Research Laboratory Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited). This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory under Contract No. FA8750-14-C-0104. 03.10.10
Context Problem: Defense selection and configuration is a poorly understood, non-quantifiable process Add defenses that provide little value or even increase the attack surface Introduce unacceptable overhead Cause unintended side effects when combining multiple defenses Objective: Provide tools enabling automated security quantification of distributed systems with a focus on architectural patterns Model key concepts related to cyber defense Provide algorithms to quantify and minimize attack surfaces Focus on Moving Target Defense
Systematic Quantification of Defense Postures
Attack Surface Reasoning (ASR) Objective: Measure attack surfaces for security quantification Establish appropriate metrics for quantifying different attack surfaces Incorporate mission security and cost measurements Address usability issues through representative and composite measures of effectiveness Technical Achievements Models for attack surfaces that include systems, defenses, and attack vectors to enable quantitative characterization of attack surfaces Metrics for characterizing the attack surface of a dynamic, distributed system at the application, operating system, and network layers Algorithms for evaluating the effectiveness of defenses and minimizing attack surfaces
Modeling Approach Express a configuration C as a collection of OWL models C = {system, defense, attack, adversary, mission, metrics} Ontology openly available at Focus on interactions between distributed components Adversaries tend to take advantage of weak seems Make as few assumptions about adversaries as possible Minimize “garbage in, garbage out” problems Leverage extensible knowledge representation frameworks with powerful query languages Ontologies expressed in OWL Models can queried with SPARQL Automate model creation when possible Increase consistency and minimize cost of manual model creation
Systems Model Capture the relevant aspects of systems Based on Microsoft’s STRIDE dataflow model Process DLLs, EXEs, service External Entity People, other systems Data Flow Network flow, function call Data Store File Database Trust Boundary Process boundary File system Extensions Hierarchical Layering Inclusion of specific concepts to make models more understandable
Attack Model 6 >500 >943 Attack Types S = Spoofing T = Tampering R = Repudiation I = Information Disclosure D = Denial of Service E = Elevation of Privilege Expresses high-level attack steps Microsoft 6 STRIDE Common Attack Pattern Enumeration And Classification MITRE >500 CAPAC MITRE Common Weakness Enumeration >943 CWE
Attack Step Model Example AttackStepDefinition:
Current Set of Modeled Attack Steps
Adversary Model Captures assumptions we make about adversaries Starting position Overall objective of the attack Quantification experiments assess attack surfaces across many different adversary models To increase efficiency of attack vector finding, knowledge of adversarial workflows can be expressed in AttackVectorTemplates
Defense Model Express the security provided and cost incurred by cyber defenses Defense models may add new entities to system models (new data flows, processes, etc.) Current set of modeled defenses includes three types of MTDs Time-bounding observables (e.g., IPHopping) Masquerading (OS Masquerading) Time-bounding footholds (e.g., continuous restart via Watchdogs)
Mission Model Missions are simply modeled as a subset of data flows together with information security and cost requirements Security requirements are expressed as Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Cost requirements are expressed as %change of latency and throughput Missions (and their individual flows) can be in three distinct modes Pass, degraded, fail
Metrics Model Attack surface metrics are themselves expressed through a model Cover {system & mission, security & cost} dimensions
Attack Surface Indexes
Quantification Methodology Security Mission Cost 1. Wrap Defense 2. Scan System into Model 4. Quantify Attack Surface ASI ACI AMI 123 Networked System System Fail System -5 +12 Fail System Virtual Experimentation Environment System +13 +3 Degraded Mission Networked System* Attack System +23 +5 Pass 3. Characterize Defense 5. Validate Attack Vectors Experimentation: System auto-scan Defense cost characterization Attack vector validation Analytics: Cost and security metrics Attack vector finding Attack surface minimization
Experimental Results Generated models of tens of hosts and a small number of defenses and attack steps Deployed scanning capabilities on BBN network and virtualized network at customer location and automatically generated system models from live systems Explore runtime complexity of attack vector finding and metrics computation algorithms using a random model generator
Conclusion and Next Steps We created a framework for quantifying attack surfaces using semantic models Our ontologies are openly available at We hope you will try them out and provide feedback! Next Steps Automate defense deployment exploration within a system through a genetic search algorithm Include metrics to capture interaction effect between multiple cyber defenses Expand scenario to enterprise-scale regimes Extend the set of modeled cyber defenses beyond MTDs Proxy overlay networks, deception, reactive defenses
Contacts Mr. Michael Atighetchi, Dr. Borislava Simidchieva, Dr. Fusun Yaman, Dr. Thomas Eskridge, Dr. Marco Carvalho, Captain Nicholas Paltzer,