Jordan Terry Eastern Kentucky University Arcade machine Jordan Terry Eastern Kentucky University For the final capstone presentation this slide will change to: All Caps Title Presenter’s Firstname Lastname Affiliation (such as EKU, Dept. of Technology, NET program)
OUTLINE Motivation Introduction Assumptions Proposed Solution Parts Results Conclusion Future Work References Overview of the presentation (5-7 phrases) Presentation could have between 10-20 slides
MOTIVATION Wanted to create a fun and interesting project. Something that would challenge me. Multiple slides may be used for motivating different aspects of the problem that is being solved through this technology or device Show and Tell Highlight need with interesting facts Broadly speaking why is this issue important? No more than 5-7 phrases on each slide
INTRODUCTION Did not have much money to spend so wanted to keep it simple. One player. Wanted to play it off my TV. Had to have Galaga and Mortal Kombat. Background about issue Any technical research you performed related to the topic (multiple slides may be used) Perspectives of different sources about problem or issue List essential theory needed for solving the problem or sub-problems
Assumptions Some games will not be compatible with my system. I will be running everything off of a Windows OS (XP). List the operating conditions or system constraints under which the problem is being solved Any implicit or explicit assumptions about the product, the process, the ultimate users, the test conditions, intended vs. actual use
PROPOSED SOLUTION Design my box. Build it. Install computer components. Setup Buttons & Joystick. Load software. Configure software. List steps taken to solve the problem such as but not limited to: Brainstorming (gist of ideas tried) Proposed solution with justification Arranging for software/hardware Assembly Testing and troubleshooting Verifying results This might continue on multiple slides
Proposed solution Emulator – MAME32 Joy2key as my keyboard emulator. Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator One of the most popular ones. Joy2key as my keyboard emulator. Converts button inputs into keyboard inputs.
Parts UltraStik 360 joystick (1) Goldleaf buttons (8) UltraStik Button / Encoder Harness Old PC Gateway e4300 4’ x 8’ sheet of finished wood
RESULTS I was able to complete my project over the course of two weeks. Joystick and buttons worked. All the games loaded properly. List key results Include lots of relevant images and multimedia only (maybe 1 or 2 goofy images in the presentation are OK) Show simulation plots or clip if available Show calculated results if available
results onboard 24 MHz microprocessor USB 2.0 interface that presents itself to the operating system as a standard HID game pad. This means that you will not need an encoder for this joystick because it is built-in.
CONCLUSIONS Overall, my project functioned correctly. Had a few problems First motherboard went bad. Installed joystick upside down. Had to remount. Comment on significance of results – their applicability in the workplace Comment on your individual learning about the capstone project planning, design, implementation, and testing process.
FUTURE WORK Add more games Setup a frontend WahCade Add controls for second player. Discuss implications of work – positive and negative Possible extensions to project Invite audience for suggestions Thank the audience Provide your permanent email contact Include appropriate image or clip art
REFERENCES Alex Caste, “How to build a kick-ass MAME arcade cabinet from an old PC”, 9/9/09, MaximumPC, Mike Trello, “Barcade”, Arcadecab, 2003-2012, Todd Moore, “How to build your own Arcade System”, TMSOFT, For the final capstone presentation, provide an APA reference to your PowerPoint as well as the project videos that will be produced for hosting through the EKU department of Applied Engineering & Technology --